ET Coming Through my painting

This is weird
I painted an ugly picture last night and I put it aside for who knows what. I looked at it a few minutes ago and saw this new picture come through. I swear I didn’t deliberately paint this; however, I used an ink pen to trace around the new face in my painting. So frkinking strange.

Last night I pasted an angel card in the center after I screwed up the painting. I glued it there hoping it helped the picture get better. It looked very bad last night, so I set it in my file 13 stack. The other ET face didn’t show through last night, but the painting was wet. This morning it was dry and I saw this ET face come through.

Looking at it this morning gave me a whole idea of how “they” really look and the angel picture is what they project back to us. I think we automatically judge ugliness as “evil” or “demonic” because we dislike non beautiful people and things. We are truly shallow people.

Any thoughts?

The ET comes through