She Who Unravels Conscience Thoughts

Consciousness Walking

She could not wait for her morning walk at the park down the road and up the hill. Speaking to her numb legs and feet, “you must walk with me. I have a duty to protect you from lack of respect and love. Come on; let’s go you two.” And, off she drove to the park’s main entrance, as the Sun’s first lights came shadowing, through the trees. Her pocket’s were filled with pecans and peanuts for the squirrels. The ambling directions were planned and she moved at her own speed, stopping to say hello to the ‘Blue Jay’ and to “Mr. Squirrel”. Her walking wasn’t fast or furious, but was a deliberate effort to make the day better, and to make her legs and feet move. Circulation is important; and so is mindful consideration, of the colorful greens in the grass, and the smell of the dirt coming from the woods laying next to the path she chose to venture into.

Sometimes there were a couple of others who jog through the morning trails. She was thankful to see them, yet eager to seek and find the mysteries hidden behind the Bald Cypress’s. The runners came to exercise before working. Their tension and stress could be sensed, as they passed her a couple of times each day. Though, she smelled the indigo hyacinths blooming, the morning exercisers had wild odors of high-stressed energies that were not appealing. It was a scent, of only one type. That of “a wolf’s den during mating season” surrounded the joggers. Their vibrational frequencies were not attractive odors, she once knew. She was glad those working stress days were over. She smiled, as a jogging woman passed by, dripping in her sweat, that August morning. “Hello” she spoke, as the female women nodded back. She reflected on working twelve hour shifts at a hospital. Smiling to herself, “glad those moments of intense anxiety were over.” And now she was free to see the truths hidden within the beauty of the pictured world in which she lived. “Was all this a matrix or an illusion?”

At home, she began to write her thoughts, after each mesmerizing journey to the park. Each venture led her on a new understanding of consciousness. She wrote each little bit of detail about microphysics that was given. Sometimes the thoughts and words came so fast, she tried her “darn-dest” to decipher meanings and forgotten phrases of meaningful “Goggly-Glock!”.

Written by me, “She Who Unravels Her Conscious Thoughts,”” with her raspy whispered voice, she read.

“I listened to a meditation to “Awaken.” Like many of you, I’ve been awakening for about 5 years. That is awakening to a calmness or awareness of peacefulness and being aware of the messages that come to us during our silent mind. Silence and meditations do not have to be when you are on a couch or a bed or the floor with eyes closed and fingertips touching the opposite fingertips, No, meditations can be explored while walking in a park or movements like Qigong, in an open place of your heart’s space. All places you choose have something to learn while you are there wandering (in your mind).

She read it again, and rapidly typed the next words that floated around her space.

That can also mean, “I hate my job, but I’m willing to become aware to everything thats going on around me, even the subtle reflections that point to the question’s.” And then, experience the conscious awareness of becoming more aware than you’ve aloud yourself to ever have been. It’s not that one “hates their job,” but suddenly means “from this moment forward one will explore all the possibilities of those moments that were not enjoyable before the awakening” that began to occur. It does not insist that you must love your job, but it awakens you to the ideas, possibilities, and the how to engage effortlessly, in any place or unpleasantness, while traveling in this biological journey that you took on, for this lifetime. We are adapting this dimension and changing it by using our abilities to change the situation, by using our talents of: imaginations, beliefs that you can change things, and by allowing yourself failures when trying. But, never giving up. By allowing our minds to be open to new things every day, our conscientiousness expands. It’s no longer, “I hate my job,” but becomes, “I will find the pathway of enlightenment and find joy in my wanderings.” The “I hate my job” might remain, but dealing with the stresses of “I strongly dislike” becomes an easier path.”

She scrambled to clear her subject materials and make sense of her ideas on consciousness.

She continued.

As you are aware, one can be in a prison, and perhaps not one of steel bars, but one of being placed in a situation that one despises or dislikes. It is the awareness that one can bend the realities of linear “set in stone” situations and create a garden of the most beautiful flowers of ones own choice. How I wish that I learned this earlier in my life. I heard it from my mother who studied ‘Florence Scovel Shinn’s’ teachings, but I never grasped what she meant or how to achieve the making of beautiful flowers while in a prison. I always saw the bars in the cells, and didn’t develop my beautiful flowers. I didn’t know what my mother was talking about, and I, like a teenager, rolled my eyes in utter agony of frustration.”

She definitively remembered rolling her eyes at her mother’s suggestions, and her daughter did the same. Karma repeats itself in DNA. She was convinced.

We have the abilities to change the linear projected ideals, by using our awareness, and creativities that have been given to any individual and some animals. Yes, we can change our linear existence of movements and switch the direction to the SW instead of due North. You choose. The steering wheel is in your hands, of your imaginations.

And, this is how we have “free will.” Free-will is used as a verb when we turn on the switch and gently press the gas, and take the steering wheel and begin to move the imprisoned ideals into your own new and beautiful imagined destiny. Yes, we can do this, as we are becoming more and more aware of the possibilities, that are in your imagination. We are awakening to our conscious mind. Many people are almost there. Many of them are authors of fiction or screenwriters or people who move mountains by using their imagination. They have great imaginations and have a great deal of information for the rest of us to learn and apply to our own imprisonments. It’s time to get out of Jail. Do you agree? Do not let anyone take away your abilities to create. Don’t allow controls of another’s move you. Nope. It’s time for you to steer your life in your chosen directions. Do it.

We are in a dualistic (meaning yin/yang is in opposition to each other) reality. Sun and Moon, night and day, goodness and badness, birth and death, anxiety and peace, depression and joyfulness (what a mess, all of this is), laughter and tears and so forth. We have a godlike mindset that says, “see this, It’s so beautifully built. But, “nope,” you can’t have this. Sorry, it’s for someone else (who has the imagination to gain it).” And they, step out of the 3rd dimension and grasp their imaginations and you get bypassed once again because you and I gave up our reins and handed them to someone else or laid it down to the effects of “mere chance”. Their imaged perceptions become their new paths of enlightened traveling. This is the duality of the 2nd and 3rd dimensions.”

She took a breath and wondered if she knew what he had written. She continued.

You and I are traveling in our existences and we are creating or making our destiny’s. Yes… we are our creators. I’ll say that once again, as I saw in my NDE or near-death-experience, we have pods. And, in those pods, we create our existence and our world. Some of us are better at coloring their books of creation. Some of us don’t believe that we are the master colorers, and we believe someone else is creating for us. Some of us are plain lazy and don’t want to create themself/ourselves and they depend on a “supreme source” to do our jobs of escaping the prison bars, and some are just lost in this entire idea, and truly want help on how to pick up their reins of imaging, and creating their next journey into their next imagined place of their existence. Yes, it’s not easy to do, if someone took your crayons our of your hands and said, “no, stop playing like a child, and get busy (running your life just like the billions of other human beings).” You were punished as a child and told “no, that’s a sin. You shouldn’t color. It’s a waste of good time.” Or, something similar.

“Guess what? It’s time for you to break out from the walls of “being a grown-up and only doing grown-up things” to I’m a child and I will create. Give yourself permission. It’s your time to pick up your crayons of imagination and begin making that doorway or portal into your place of great joy and happiness. That place is awaiting your creation. You are a “mini-god or goddess.”

She pauses, “When we move into other dimensions, the dualities, of the 2nd and 3rd dimension, shed into what seems to be freer or less entrapment than “Thou must do, or else” layers.

The other realms must be traveled with a pureness of oneself. A person must guard themselves against dualisms, from the 2nd and 3rd dimensions. You must battle the will of the lower dimensions. Dualisms have kept this dimensions together for millions of years, but now, awareness is moving us.”

She summarizes the dangling phrases, “Now, as we enter The Age of Aquarius, and AI, or artificial intelligence, our existence on earth is drastically changing from the old into newness of survival. We must gain the reins of creation to continue as human beings progressing into newer awareness. Aquarius is an air sign, and that means, one must use their imaginative intuitions in order to survive. Now, is the time for you to “teach your children well.” The future generations of human beings will need the ability to create, for the human race.”

Continuing, “The total switch into the age is about 75 more years. It takes roughly between 250 to 500 years to change. Earth is changing. It began in the mid 1950s.

Anyway, the mind is incredible, as it moves in the awakening process.

Thanks for reading.”

She moved her hands from the keys. The words stopped flowing and the comprehension of the message was lost. Her anoxic brain injury kept her from reading and knowing what she wrote. How did she know that her writing was meaningful? All she could do is trust that someone would comment, “this was great!” However, no one remarked.

“The Spotted Water Hemlock grew close to the shore of the pond where the park’s pathway meandered. She thought about The Hemlock Society and decided these white blooms might be the tiny little florals that end a life on a course turned disru pted by difficult circumstances. Did Socrates meet the blooms in tragedy? Life has mysteries doesn’t it? She pondered.

The path’s with shadows and sunlights speak boldly to some who listen, and the messages on awareness aren’t contradictory to any selective beings, but are generously shared by those beings, who know, and are eagerly seeking the desiring engagements with the hungry.”

She knew despite Autism and brain injuries, she was hungry.


Bonnie Jennings or BoJenn

Dimension (in my NDE) One, I chattered

It wasn’t until I arrived home inside this body on Earth, that I realized I chattered all the time (up) there.

Why did I chatter?

Nervous, I guess. It was different there, from everything I had heard, and parts were dark, parts were gigantic (the universe), and parts were isolated and lonely. no one met me, but these beings who were not human.

Recalling my time (no such thing s a timeline there) or period spent with non-earth beings, I talked to them, all the time. I had questions, I had loneliness, I had the need to be loved and accepted, I felt singled out and scared that I wasn’t saying the right thing, that I wasn’t being heard, and that I wasn’t in the right place (not like heaven or hell” but truly landed “there, wherever “there” is.” It felt like the tunnels at Disney Parks where the employees pass underground while working. The beings looked at me with huge mysterious eyes, just like alien 👽 eyes.

They inspected my non physical body and my mind. They did not speak using their mouths or voices. Their communication was mind to mind. I picked it up, though I wasn’t necessarily fast in learning. But… I did learn and I held the information well. I applied what I learned. And, I know they were pleased with me because of my abilities to learn.

But, back to the chattering, and this is important, because I often think about this happening, and there are always new understandings about what transpired and why and how… etc.

I noted they didn’t participate in chattering and as I asked my many questions, such as, “why didn’t I have tunnels, lights and angels? Wasn’t I good enough?” They never answered me. In fact, I answered myself and thought they responded. They did not, but they allowed me to think that or think anything that I wanted. They changed non of my questions, nor gave me the answers… why? Well, the answer came much later. The reason they did not respond is because we are in our lives to figure out things alone. Why? Because when we learn it this way, it’s faster, more effective, and our beliefs and knowledge are stronger. They do not interfere for these reasons. And, they are strong, and won’t break the rules.

Now, please know, I had my guide, whom I drew an image of, and he/she (gender unknown), was always supportive and caring, but NEVER gave me an answer, nor told me how to do life. Nope. With the beings eyes, I could sense that I was/am on track with my life and progression.

The chattering is a first dimensional conversation that is formed by nervousness an anxiety. Often, the one ,uttering the words is unaware of their ramblings. It is useless communication except it relieves stress. It might create more anxieties. But, it is the utterances of someone who is experiencing unfamiliar territories, especially in the afterlife.

My image that I drew post NDE, 2.8.2019


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My Guide

Leaving the Age of Pisces ♓️ and Entering Aquarius

The subject of the ages, two thousand years each, of the twelve zodiacs and perhaps the thirteen constellation of Ophiuchus, is my topic lately.

Perhaps you ask where my knowledge comes from, but in truth, it’s not easy for you to understand. Sometimes when people have near Death Experience’s they return with gifts. I believe knowing somethings, such as this in which I’m about to write on, was given to me with a supernatural guidance of writing or drawing. So, this is my understanding and explanation of what the earth is going through presently. Though, in the USA, we think it’s only about us, as usual.

Back to the ages, as we consider twelve signs of the zodiac, instead of thirteen, my reports are within that frame. Now mind you, when you travel beyond earth, such in a NDE, you can see number one: time doesn’t exist, two, the stories given to us from childhood aren’t correct, and three, our truths are not correct (including mine). I must be careful when writing these words, as non truths, will return and can bring harm, if not interpreted correctly.

The zodiac influences are used off this planet more commonly than earth’s time. When I say “zodiac” I’m not referring to the Earth’s common understandings whether it’s Vedic astrology or Western. I’m not talking about fire, water, earth, or air signs. I am referring to the monuments and relics off this planet placed within the constellations that can be seen by someone traveling in space during a near Death Experience or in a state of deep meditation. Dreams can also show someone what lies beyond earth.

The extraterrestrials beings, who I met with during my NDE , know of the place of relics and monuments that have guided them when traveling in space for thousands of years. It is a different set of constellations when moving between galaxies. Time, as the ETs know it, is depicted within the ancient universe, seen throughout space. It is never ending. It is forever to mankind.

Let me get back to the core of my understanding. On Earth, there are twelve (12) zodiacs signs and twelve houses. All of the together equal 360°. Each house is 30° x 12= 360°. Each age of the zodiac is roughly 2000 years. To move in between ages, like birth and death, takes approximately 300 years. The Earth has been in The Age of Pisces. The Sun takes 25,800 years to complete a cycle around the solar system that we are inside. The years for an age to take, is roughly 2,150, with give or take transitioning time. It was in 1930, the age of Pisces and Aquarius began to have strife’s and it became apparent with the violent movement of WWII. Perhaps, that was the beginning. In 1969, The 5th Dimensions recorded a song called The Age of Aquarius. “It is the dawning of…” So, yes, it was the dawning of and perhaps 50 years plus, we are still in the dawning of, but are a little further. The Age of Aquarius is coming, there is no stopping of the time or timeline for “eternity.” Eternity is a huge word that can be intimidating. But. It is only time, and off planet Earth, time is irrelevant. Time is now, and so is a thousand years. All in the now of existence. This is hard for us to grasp, but I see the now as if I am inside a balloon of existence. Every walk bounced into is now. Hard to grasp, isn’t it, but it’s so. It is the truth.

Let’s look at the sun sign of Pisces. We know that Pisces ♓️ is a water sign, it’s emotional whether it’s deep ocean water 💦 with huge waves, or a gentle stream. It’s either intense or it’s pleasant. Kind of like a Gemini. We never know how the waters will effect the Pisces. Go with their flow, is best to do, but know, they can put out a fire. The waters (emotions) can run the oxygen away in an air sign, and it’s very true, the dirt of the earth cannot survive without water, the Pisces. our Earth has been inside of The Age of Pisces since about the time of Christ. Remember, it takes roughly 300 years to transcend completely from one age to another.

Since Pisces is emotional, powerful, deep, gentle, strong, intent, flooding, overtaking, at times overwhelming with emotional feelings, and is about capturing any and everything to make it yield or bend into its shape or want, desire, beliefs, etc etc etc… it is the representation of the salvation of Christ. What I mean, If you don’t believe, you are going to hell. When something or someone won’t believe, they will cut it down. Mow over other beliefs, dissolve it, flood it, or drown it. Believe the normal, or else. Some of the beginning wars were: 1054 | The East-West Schism. …, 1378 | The reign of the antipopes. … , 1517 | The Reformation. …, and the 1534 | The English Reformation., just to name a few in the beginnings. A lot of blood shed, a lot of death.

We can read about the burning of the witches. There have been recorded 1763 wars or conflicts caused by human beliefs. “You must believe the way, or else” … death. This has been a strong description The Age of Pisces. Conspiracy theories, superstitions, the tearing down of science, the hating of actual knowledge, and the dying of mankind. This is the animal nature in our 🧬 DNA. We kill to survive and control. We are animals, truly, and relish the adrenaline involved in the killing of life. We are driven by our intentions and beliefs and if someone doesn’t believe “the normal,” watch out. Much of the world conflicts right now are the breaking away from the dogmatic forces of the church. They don’t like change.

This has been The Piscine Age. it is violently demanding and will destroy without thinking of anything, buts it’s own way. It will swallow its pathway and everything and everyone in its direction. It moves with gravity. Get out of its way! The water will drown all things. It doesn’t care. It lacks feelings for any other beliefs or emotions, but it’s own. Move out and away from it, and that subject will catch scrutiny and possibly death. Pisces will destruct anything that is not in its plan. It formed a wave set over the earth, and it will swallow anyone or thing not adhering to its laws, if caught.

Please, remember I a m talking about the age of time and not about any Pisces persons. There are grand things to say about Pisces ♓️ but right now, I’m speaking about an age of Earth time. The Pisces is artistically gifted. And, we see this in all the artworks of this 2000 years of time. Some of the most inspiring incredible artists have gifted mankind with their Mona Lisa’s and Renoir’s, and Sistine Chapels, and gorgeous beautiful items to admire and those gorgeous memories come from The Pisces emotional movements.

Let’s take a breath here. I must say, before I get Pisces folks in trouble, some of my closest friends are Pisces and they have incredible views on life and politics and have grand artistic abilities. I have learned an amazing amount of information from them. I am thankful for their wonderful creativity. Music, art, writing, and painting of houses and walls within homes. These things are somethings they do extremely well. Truly gifted artists of all kinds. Experiencing life without the Pisces perspectives would be bland milk toast and water. This article is not about destroying a Pisces. Heck, I’m a sun sign Libra, and god help us when we get to the Libra Age. No one will be able to make up their minds. It will be chaotic when the Libra time takes over. It will be judgmental and chaotic for certain. A bunch of finger pointing accusations will be witnessed and ruled by. I don’t think I want to be here on Earth then. But, that’s a few thousand years away. Who knows.

Shall we move forward into The Aquarius Age. I will come back to the in between ages. That which we are beginning to experience now. Put this on the back burner on low, and let’s find out about the age of Aquarius, the humanitarian.

When I think about the word “humanitarian “ I think of giving away abundances to the social masses. Am I correct when we take on the truest meaning of The Aquarian? What do you think? Well, we know they are an air sign, meaning extremely bright. They are the pilots of knowledge. They make it fly though the air; however, they are not the engineers, but they are the researchers. The one who holds knowledge, not necessarily the teachers or professors, or the discoverers, but are they who lead, they who fly, they who know deep vast information. They are the pilots, but not the inventors. They can fly without fears, but they can’t make the machinery. They posses no fears of causing the knowledge to fly. They are magical in this situation. Yet, they are not magical thinkers, like the Pisces, who had conspiracy theories, holding the age up. The Aquarius Age will run on facts and nothing more. It will take all the facts the witches (metaphorically) brewed and apply all of it into going places of grey worth and value (example: space traveling).

Now, back to the word humanitarian. In 1969, we believed the age of Aquarius was about giving freely to mankind. Well, this idea is simply a Pisces dream. It’s not truthful. It’s meaning has more to do with human beings (humanity) creating the best we could ever dream. It’s about humanity creating artificial intelligence so beyond the intelligence of the human, and it’s about the are of the human being. Aquarius lovers are extremely cool. One night stands are normal thinking for these beings as they are not emotionally engaged with anyone, UNLESS that person has something of grandness to offer. Such as knowledge. Such as mind furthering. Such as advancements. Such as the orgasm of zenith learning. And to the person of equal understanding, perhaps an everlasting commitment. So is this about humanity? Well yes, in a different way than what we created and that was more like seeing Jesus feed the 5,000 with 6 fish.

Aquarius Age will be monumental in the creation of the future on Earth. But, as far as for humans… we might be the slaves of the artificial intelligence, AI, who Aquarius gives the reins (of accomplishment). In their world, the building will be all natural, similar to the pyramids and have geometric patterns and shapes. It will resemble the masculine world. Pisces was the feminine by design. The swirls, lights and colors making the beauty extremely dynamic. That includes the colors of blood lost in wars.

Now, this is all I’m going to say right now about The Aquarius Age. It’s all I can see right now. More might come, but for now, I have stretch the futuristic plans as much as (I) can. It does become a little scary and seem unfamiliar when looking. I don’t feel like it’s a part of me, but heck. Who knows.

Okay, now briefly, I’m going to talk about the 300 years in between. The time on all timelines are not exact as the constellations and the movements on humans take time to alter and change. In my case, my beliefs have changed quite a few times. So, your changes might have been altered and made emotional in your life. In some ways other than mine, nonetheless, altered. The frequencies of spacial atmospheric pressure can trigger our points in different ways. The Dna 🧬 and life experiences also influence your behaviors in changing. Some of you did fine, you graduated with honors and rolled forward in a direction that suited you, and some others met the frequency vibrations in the opposite way, disastrously. Some became rebellious and effected. Some dropped out, some went to prison, and some are living on the streets and who is to say or judge the next being. Yet, the Pisces age was set to define kings, queens, middle class to what they call moronic or morons. I don’t know, but we humans, in The Pisces Age, placed a great amount of time and money on who is fit, or is royalty, and who is the who’re, and who walks the streets as one who begs. The Pisces era set up their heaven to resemble a similar afterlife experience.

So, what does this have to do with the movement between ages? A lot. A great deal, and as we move closer to the end of the 300 years, you and I are going to go through megawatts and bytes of our personal experiences with changes. We might see the worst possible things that we can imagine and it’s here that we will see the person who lives on the streets, do better than the average person, who lives in heat and air conditioning. We might see the herbalist tell others what to take naturally because the pharmacy drugs have gotten so over priced. It might be the one who can freshly clean the waters and the one who knows how to prepare dandelion soups, who will help others survive.

The middle 300 years give or take a few hundred years, will see the fall of the social structures, as they knew it. They will blame political parties, they will accuse the other races, they will hate their cousins, they will find no peace and feel forgotten. The bad stuff will overturn the 300 years. The rebellion of mankind will be humongous and man will fight others in a flood of emotions they don’t or can’t understand, though the reasons will be given of many believed excuses. Everyone will have their purposes to interrupt the pleasantries of life, long dissolving in ideas contrary to the realities that are truths.

And, I could go on and in, but quite frankly, it’s making me feel bad for writing this. I don’t want to write it, but there is something we can do, if humans were strong and giving enough, but honestly, I doubt it. I want to be proven wrong! Seriously! But, it seems as if, this recoiling back into a better self, is gone. Not long gone, but soon will be. We must act. We must try. For the sake of our children’s children, we have to give it a whirl of our goodness. We must!

We can’t stop The Age of Aquarius from coming, but we can learn about it and we can begin to shape our grandchildren’s world into a better direction other than leaving them utter destruction. How do we do this? Each of us has something we can do. Everyone of us can stop something that we are doing that’s wrong and you know exactly what you can do. If someone has to explain it to you, then you are childish. It’s time to ask to grow up. This is not a white persons planet, nor a brown, yellow, green or red persons place. We are here together and we all have a responsibility to all grandchildren and to the Earth and her animal kingdom, her fish, her livestock, her trees and mountains.

We must leave this place that all of us have lived in tact.

Thank you for reading. I will continue to edit.

My image

Bonnie Jennings Artworks for Her Near Death Experience 2.8.2019

Please do not copy, paste, take a picture of my images without my permission. Thank you.

All Rights Reserved

All art is BoJenn’s and collages are from magazines. Journey Circles card transformation included from Journey Path Institute directed by Cat Caracelo.

I give numerous thank you’s to the Art Therapist Shelley Cannon Fredrick who encouraged my artistry and design of my NDE.

Please visit my FB site for NDE Arts:

Thank you for traveling with me.

The Matrix Dogmatic Force

I also wrote this in another post.

Have you seen this vigorous system in religious/spiritual people?

I must tell you and ask you a question about your beliefs before and post NDE/TDE. Or should write, NDE is near death experience and a TDE is a longer period of time than an NDE. It is a temporary death experience.

In 1998, I left the Christian faith. I said goodbye. I won’t go into all the reasons why I closed that door, but know I was a hard practicing Christian for over 30 years. I got the “pat” phrases down and the guilt if I didn’t say it the phrases with the right amount of gusto. I judged others seriously and I was judged the same.

After 1998, I became a Gnostic Christian. I accepted all The Dead Sea Scrolls, loved The Gospel of Mary Magdalene and The Book of Enoch.

I was there, in that belief system until my TDE or temporary death experience on 2.9.2019.

My TDE touched on a little of this, but it was not religiously based or spiritual. It was scientific and mathematical.
It had absolutely nothing to do with my beliefs. Accept one thing.

So, I left the Gnostic beliefs and have come out on my own self discovery. It has been peaceful and awakening to the lies told to innocent people.

Since my TDE, I can see the force behind the people who are demanding their beliefs are correct. I see it in NDE pages. I see and feel it’s angry vigor. It is almost defined like a matrix of power that innocent people are trapped in and to get out takes years if saying “no.”

Does anyone know what I am talking about? Have you seen this force too?

It demands that a human being believe something.

Anyone else seen this? It’s very powerful and scary.
The more one moves away from the matrix’s beliefs, the more it attacks until one day it passes over you. That’s when you know, you have grown beyond it’s threats.

Binary Codes and Imaginations

So pondering about an issue while sitting outside drinking wine with 2 large dogs and 3 cats. Oh boy!

There is a video doctor whose name I am withholding and I can’t remember it, I believe listened to my NDE or read my rough draft as part of my story in my NDE came to life. Now the doctor’s story makes wonderful good sense and I am trying to be diplomatic and say it’s just a coincidence. BUT… I’m not sure.

In my NDE, I talk about “binary codes, ” and he talks about binary codes in his last video. The ‘“alien” beings in my NDE handed me sheets of paper and asked me to read them and I looked at them as if they were crazy. Then they said using telepathy, “go ahead, you can do it.” So, there I read all the stacked papers. Mostly, the binary codes were addresses, times, people, whereabouts, and about who we are to them and the universe.

We are binary codes of all existences. We are DNA formed by advanced mathematics and formulas, and we are constantly changing, therefore, our DNA changes as well as all the mathematical formulas and equations for every breath, thought, idea, movements, sleeping, sitting, running, and blowing your nose makes overall lifetimes, not just this one. Do I still have your attention? We are formulated, created, and imagined by a superior being or beings the same way that we have created AI it artificial intelligence.

It is our DNA and the gifting within its formulas that make us who we are. Some of us, like skydiving and some, don’t. Some of us draw and others don’t. Some lecture and create imperial evidence for trials and in laboratories, and some don’t. The gift that must be used is the gift of imagination. We all have some. Too much can write grand novels and also, for your benefit, have you placed on calming medications. Some imagination allows you to become an engineer, or perhaps, a crime detective using imagination to find the solution. Some parents hender a child’s imagination by saying it’s wrong, it’s a sin of the devil, it’s bad, it’s this or that. If you are this type of parent, stop. Please, stop because you are stopping the next possible Einstein who MUST have the capacity of their entire brain to create. A person who does not create or has stayed close to their DNA formula and hadn’t explored and touched this universe, this plain of existence is near death. Please hear me, yes, near death. Even in a pandemic, you must use your imagination. Even locked in a home all day with 2 large dogs and 3 cats must use their ingenuity and explorations of dreams, illusions, delusions and such. The person who is in the extreme will probably need medication and something to write with and pay attention, but the person who uses none is the saddest person of all.

If you could imagine a drop of you and in that drop is your DNA and everything that is you as a baby until death if you don’t move, breath, or participate in life in some manner. That drop can grow huge and then shrink back down to normal, or it can stay huge and outwards for a lifetime and will probably need help with medications, meditation and calming activities to bring it down to normal drop size again. That drop and its growths are tied up to our imagination. How big we think such as an astronaut or President, Prime Minister or CEO, or the drop can barely move and form into anything other than your status quo. We are in charge of our thinking. We are the ones who imagine what we can or will be. Is this the name it and claim it part of my understanding? No. It is a fact that we are a simple binary formula of an algebraic calculus expression that needs an operator of complex, divine equipment. Are you able to turn your equations around? Make them stretch as big as you can…and then bring them back to normal. Breath in and breath out.

Our imaginations are a gift. Use them. Train them. Keep notes on them. And know, you and I are a complex mathematical equation that changes all the time. Help it. Learn about it. Learn to harness it. Use it as if you are using your own witchcraft. Roar! I can do it! I am creative! I WILL MAKE THIS HAPPEN FOR ME! And for you.

Ps* for the judgmental people, the word witchcraft is used figuratively, playfully and seriously.

Tonight, try to imagine yourself in the place that you’ve wanted to be for a very long time. And, start to create the path there. Make the bridges go over mountains, and make the waters clean to drink from the neighborhood creek.

Thanks for reading my account. I think my new version is much better than the doctors, who took it from me.

Good night. Sleep well, and dream big!

Image by me

My Rough Draft For Rey Hernandez

Bonnie Gay Jennings

DOB 10.09.1952 New Orleans, La, USA

Death Tyler, Tx February 8, 2019 and rebirth February 9, 2019.

I use this picture of me because this is who and what I looked like while in my afterlife experience.
Me at age 60.

My account of the supernatural experiences that I’ve had throughout my life. These are the highlights that I remember best. Also, please keep in mind that when I agreed to put this paper together, I knew that I had gone without oxygen during my death experience. So, I’ve done the best that I can do and recall. I think that I did well in remembering.

This is an account of some of my unconscious and possibly lucid wakeful journeys that I have adventured in my 67 years of living. And to add, one was my greatest exploration. That was actually dying from an asthma attack brought on by the flu vaccine in the year 2019.

However for now, I will begin with birth. October 9, 1952, New Orleans, La, USA. Oocephalus was in the Eastern sky that October and it led me to the now of my life.

I was the child of a mechanical engineer, who had been in The Air Force during WWII and employed later by Morton-Thiokol making missiles, rockets and ammunition. My mother was a bookkeeper-accountant. The family was rigidly run, and festively lived. From 0 to 5 years of age we moved 4 to 5 times. By 6 years of age we settled into a town in East Texas and lived in the home my father built. This is when I remembered things. Odd experiences. And, honestly, I grew up believing that all people had similar oddities. I was naive.

This is a blog about my father and his Project Blue Book acquaintances in the early 1960’s, I believe as I was 6 or 7ish and that was 60 years ago.

I won’t go into the long version, but will touch on his sightings and my experiences that we had then.

UFO and ET experiences: 1959- 2020

Father x 2 encounters, a trip to Washington DC to be debriefed, and a visit to our home in East Texas by The Project Blue Book Debunkers x 2. Early 1960’s and mid 1970’s. His encounter was they circled him in brightly colored ships at a launch sight where they were testing missiles in Karnak, TX. He took pictures of the lights as they surrounded him. The pictures were confiscated by Washington; however, he gave me a rock that had special qualities. The rock is now missing. My father died in 1983 and was a Senior engineer at Morton-Thiokol at the time of his death.

This is a blog about my father and his Project Blue Book acquaintances in the early 1960’s, I believe as I was 6 or 7ish and that was 60 years ago.

Me: My ET or alien encounters began. I was 6 to 7 years of age, and was in my bedroom alone during the middle of the night. They were tall (to a child looked like giants) but were probably 6-7 ft tall, cloaked in dark cloaks of a fabric that was not recognized. Heavy material, dark if not black. Faces were not seen by me as I was petrified. They told me to shut up. Be quiet. Don’t move and stay out of their way. They left my room and seemed to walk down the hall towards the back of the house where my father was. I am assuming and don’t know that for certain. In later years, I assumed they were visiting him because he engineered ammunition. They were not loving nor friendly creatures.

Daughter: 2011, My daughter shared her childhood experiences staying in my bedroom when we came from South Florida to Texas for visits. She sees the same entities in my bedroom when she is the same age as I was when I had my first encounters. She’s 6 or 7 and had never told me about meeting them. We compared notes and drawings of them. She was braver than I and looked at their eyes. She said they were threatening and mean. Their eyes were red. They told her they were going to bury her little brother, my youngest child.

Moving forward on my timeline to the release of the movie, The Exorcist. I was then a young twenties woman. I was never raised in a church though I was christened an Episcopalian so this movie was interesting. It opened my doors of freedom to speak of some feelings and understandings that I simply knew. Such as spiritual beings and experiences I’d had known. Mostly dark souls or beings latched on to me. I became a Christian and learned necessary warfare. I partook in exorcisms, one with a Catholic priest and several with charismatic Christians. Since then, I left behind that particular faith system, but some of my most extinguished soulful guests came through then. One in particular happenstance was a Jewish friend. She and I went to see The Exorcist and after this event went to our knees and accepted Jesus Christ. It was a few years later that she would go through severe “mental illness” and it was as if her head turned around while on her shoulders as she screamed at me while kicking my pregnant body in the womb. The year was 1983 and at a later time, she stole my car and undressed herself at a restaurant. The police grabbed her and admitted her into a psychiatric hospital. She admitted there using my name. What a mess it was to straighten out.

My years as a “Christian” I pretty much burned everything that I had that identified me to the occult. Many years passed by (30) and I was lost for the real me. In 1998, I gave up my title of being a “Christian.”

Ka-boom! The other side broke out and I had a better idea of how to handle them and was no longer intimidated but curious. After all, the religious world takes away from experiencing the energies that desperately need to scream or whisper their stories.


Hello! And here they came.

Ghost one:

My father. 1983. I will not go into this event, but he came one morning to let me know that he was sorry. He asked for forgiveness. Recently I went to his grave and asked him if he was happy and okay. He immediately showed me the graves of two army soldiers. One had just died and must have been in Afghanistan, yet my father pointed out his grave.

Ghost two

My first male memorable entity was in 2001. He appeared and the. Left in 2004 when we moved. He was an angry guy and a previous owner per the local Baptist minister. It all began with the man looking at me through my mirror and I mistook him for my neighbor. I ran outside to meet the new neighbor when I noticed that he pulled into his driveway. He wore a red ball cap just like the dude in my mirror and I introduced myself and tried to explain to no avail. This entity became more aggressive as time passed and when my ex husband got the transfer to move to Texas this man ghost attacked me one day when I was lying on my floor after yoga exercise. He used some kind of a force and pushed my glass coffee table on top of me. He threw a cross hanging on the wall across the room several times. He was mad. There’s more to this story, but it’s not anything that needs talking about.

Ghost three

I was in Louisiana at a friends house. She went out and I vacuumed her floor. While I was working, I had a strong urge to write a letter to my friend from her deceased mother whose picture was on the wall seemingly beckoning me to deliver a message. So I did. I don’t know if my friend believed my abilities to stand in as a medium but I knew that this was real. I felt the love from someone else and I had the goosebumps.

Ghost four

In Texas a year later, I was with my friend whom is now deceased and we were driving in my car. There was a horrific car accident in front of us. We had to stop. A young woman’s life was lost at the scene and she came to stay with me for awhile. In fact, we resembled each other. She was obese and I wasn’t; however, when I saw her face, I saw myself as a young woman. Oddly, my son was visiting the next Christmas and he saw me in the living area decorating the tree even though, I was at work. He has the gift too. I finally had to ask her to leave. She did.

Ghost five

My best friend died in 2009. Now her visit to me was extraordinary. She didn’t loose her sense of humor nor playing jokes on people. She played many on me including stealing my hearing aides. Yes, I left them on the kitchen counter one night before going to bed. I live alone. When I awakened the next morning, they were gone. She hid them from me for three months. They returned after I told her it was time to go. And there they were on the kitchen counter just where I left them, three months earlier. This story is in depth and very dramatic. Before I go into depths with it, I want to make sure that I have the room within my assignment. I will come back later to chat about her extended stay.

Ghost six

My mother passed in May 2011. He visit was also extensive and trying at times. It seems she carried with her some frustrations and angers associated to me. I also have my own that we’ve wrestled with from over there and here. This story is also one with layers and depth. I will not go into it anymore.

*** please understand that talking about them awakens part of them and any unfinished business is often rehashed and they no longer reason like a human being. Some of their hostilities can grow if there were any outstanding arguments left bare and unforgiven. ****

Ghost seven

My friend’s father passed one summer. The night he went forward, he came to visit me in Texas. In the middle of the night he awakened me by shaking my arm. “Get up! I have to tell you something!” So, I got up and followed him into the den. He floated to the ceiling and corner and said, “I’ve gone, but I wanted to stop by to say good-bye. I have many people to visit. I’ll see you later.” He had a huge smile covering his face. He was delightful and happier than I’d ever seen him. Puff…gone.

Ghosts eight and so forth…


There are other littler recollections; however, ghosts can be pushy. They don’t recognize your needs to sleep nor your need for rest because you must work the next day. Nope. I have since said, “no, I don’t want to. Thank you.” It get wearisome and tiring when entertaining them

I wrote a novel from 2009 through 2015. During the writing, all the characters came to me and became extremely friendly. There were times that I was wearing their personalities and their emotions. I was unable to decipher theirs and mine. So, I enjoy writing, but I no longer want to entertain all the characters in a book.

Yes, I can channel, but for the same reasons why I don’t want to be a medium, the same holds true for channeling characters.

On the topic of ghosts, I no longer am interested in being entertained by ghosts and that is because they are all consuming and life takes on their characters or I should say, they overtake life and are impolite regarding courtesy and consideration for the person they visit or medium. When writing a novel, the soul becomes bigger than remembered and determining what’s real or what emotions are the mediums and what are the ghosts must be clarified often. So, because it takes a great deal of emotional energies, I choose to stay away if I can these days.

Photographing UFO 🛸

Since childhood I’ve had a fascination with our skies

In 2014 my sky and camera became ultra connected. I find photographing UFO’s easy. I will include some at the end of my report.

My south side of my home. This is super blown up and was moving slowly mid afternoon on July 3 or 4th East Tx, USA 🇺🇸

I have more and these are a few of my cellphone captures

Photographing phenomena

I will post my pictures of a dragon coming from my bonfire in my backyard 2012, springtime.

My dragon

Chemtrails over my backyard Tyler, Texas

These are chemtrails over my backyard.

Fairly recent

Astral Projections

We’ve, my entire family, has projected ourselves all over the place. The one I remember most was flying my I’ll mother and her friend who had cancer on my spaceship to be healed on another planet. Very vivid experience. And, I found there on the other planet systems that she was to far gone. The cancer was progressing rapidly. She died a short time later. My mother died about 5 years later in 2011..

NDE or Death Experiences

And now, I will present to you my NDE or Death Experience.

February 8, 2019 2230-1200 midnight

I Died

My blog about my death experience. Please note that my blog about my NDE would not copy and paste. This is THE MOST IMPORTANT part of my story.

Please let me know if I need to upload it section by section. Thank you, as I can do this if needed.

Everything that I have written or am telling you is or are my absolute truths. I will take a polygraph if need be. Thank you for reading, and pondering. I am open for questions.

My email that is best to reach me is:

My after death experience was illuminating to say it mildly and I am not sure why I was shown so much. I sometimes wonder if I showed up unexpectedly, or was I on a job interview for the space department of other dimensions of beings. ETs.

Once again, my death experience is the most important part of my experience. I met ETs while there.

The Transporter or commonly known as
The Death Angel
The Cleansing Pool
My Guide
The Life Source. It looks like a plump, large vacuum hose.
Notice the being who is now in “the void.” That being is cut off from the life source and it has entered another dimension. That dimension starts with nothingness and will grow into their or your beliefs and teachings
This is a brighter version of the life source. The life source is everything that pertains to times (plural) and life anywhere. All living, carbons, atoms, and molecular structures are within the source. The disconnected are no longer attached.
This is a cross section of the l8fe source. Everything alive is within this vacuum of lights, energies, imaginations, creations, stories, plants, animals, water, fluids, foods, atmospheres, clocks, religions, beliefs, mythologies, equations, quantum’s, etc etc etc… All movements, all energies, all materials: earths, winds, fires, fluids

My Comments to a question:

What you must understand is that in an actual death experience, the “spirit” or life sustainer unlocks from the body thus separating it from the Earth atmosphere and time. The “spirit” as I saw it from the outside is a vacuum tube. It’s that color from the outside. Life is then ended. Separated and not bound by time, thoughts, memories and has quickly fading very distant memories of this place.

So what I am saying is this, they can’t be compared due to the vacuum of life connection. OBEs are still attached to the “spirit” or vacuum.

I also

Have OBEs almost nightly, and they are fabulous experiences; however, they are connected to the mind that it attached via the vacuum of life, “the spirit,” so there’s a difference.

Also I want to say, when people talk about seeing lights and the tunnels etc… they are still inside the vacuum. Once outside of it’s plugged in state, it is independent of the living state of mind. After the tunnel and lights, comes perhaps the void and then the other side. I was on that side.

Okay.. thank you. I have been contemplating this idea and thoughts and yesterday I was given the pictures of what takes place..

Anyway thank you for your questions and ideas.

Honestly, it’s (information) pouring on me right now. The images of a “Disney” resort or -ark comes to my mind and this resembles living, life, actions, movements, fears, joys, rests, exhilarations, people, friendships, acquaintances, moments of loneliness, etc .. food, drinks, bathrooms, sleeping somewhere… etc, etc, etc…

The actual death experience is seeing this taking place. It is also the knowledge of the behind the scenes shadows, and working areas. It is a knowledge of what is going on behind the scenes that all humans and life is apart of. And graciously, quietly, peacefully one salutes the emotional gift of life and says thank you for the opportunity, but now… it’s something else. And off you go… into your imaginative story.

My summary of my life events are absolutely curious for me. I don’t know why I was included in their (ETs) earthly works or plans, but I was and still am. Daily, since my death experience, I receive new messages. Some are more relevant to to mankind and some are for personal reasons. It seems that when I am focused on my NDE or Death Experience, the revelations unfold rapidly. They (the ETs) seem to give it to me in doses that I can handle and often I have to walk away from all of it, but the curiosity, brings me back.

We humans are involved in their projects and I am uncertain about what the projects are.

My question is this… are we as glorified as we believe or are we simply part of their game? I don’t know. All I know is that I am one of their pawns, so to speak. I think that I’m good, but in the end, will they judge me worthy? I don’t know.

I suppose that I sound negative to some, but I must say that we need to keep our wits about our future, our states of beings, and learn and do their missions for us. We are truly beyond our wildest imaginations and are pieces of a gigantic puzzle. Our goal is/are to keep moving and going in a way that seems positive for ourselves.

The last thing they (the ETs) told me when I returned to my life on Earth was to love. Love unconditionally. Because love is the only “glue” that holds things together on Earth.

I just wrote this in the middle of the night, this evening.

Time passed Earth

We, NDEers, speak of no time off earth and so what does this mean?

Time is applied to earth’s seasons, and the rising and setting of the sun. The Solstices of summer and winter owning the longest and shortest days of the year. These facts govern time.

However, off Earth, the Sun rises and sets in a much different matter of times. The size of Earth and the distance it is from The Sun makes its own ways possible and conceivable. We understand this as we’ve lived the patterns every day of our lives. However, if we left here, our timelines would vary and change on every comet, planets or stars, moons, nebulous’ in the entire universe. The visual effects would resemble a covering made up of geometrical patterns with physics, astronomy, cosmic energies, geological analysis and patterns and it would continue for ever. Much like our imaginations of the Matrix of existence.

We live on earth with rhythms, beats, time, and musical vibrations of it’s own way and kind. On another planet, music would seem slowed of perhaps faster due to the rising of the sun ☀️ or solstices.

If one is in space without reverberations, time, rhythm and beats would be off from what we know now.

If one had an NDE and has music like here there are two different ideas that come to mind. Number one. They are still connected to Earth time. Meaning their afterlife experience took place within Earth’s times Mf its line of recording.

Or, two, the music was conjured inside a persons psyche. The person carries the melody with them. It’s memory is manifested.

My guess for this phenomenon.

Words such as eternity, forever, etc have no meaning post Earth. So this makes me think that “heaven” is earthbound. I don’t think of this in a bad way, it’s simply the location of it.

But in the afterlife, eternity has no meaning.

This is it. To the best of my abilities, I have given my stories in truth.

Bonnie Gay Jennings or my literary author name BoJenn

Recent 2020

Rough draft. My NDE

My Near-Death Experience 2.8.2019

I was cold and not feeling well about anything. It was early 2019. The fall prior to then was hurried, confusing, filled with nursing exams, and health exams, and to add, I started a new job. A job I thought would last me, the rest of my working career. Orientation was a solid month. Good. I could sit in a chair for 8 hours and learn. I was a good student. I learned to be one at an older age.

The day came when they said, “everyone must have a flu vaccine. If you don’t take it, then you’ll have to wear a mask for 8 hours.” I knew there was going to be a problem. The last two times that I took the damn injections, I was sick. The 24 HR ER became my best friend for both years. The last year that I took it was 2014. I tried to explain that I has asthma and couldn’t wear a mask for 8 hours. That’s insane and besides masks only work for less than 5 minutes. Good grief. A psychiatrist didn’t take it, and we knew she could get away with it and my best nursing buddy there also didn’t take it. She wore the mask around her neck. She never put it on. She had a doctors note. I didn’t. As it turns out, they (neither one) never wore their masks.

And I… got sick from the shot, almost immediately. They said, “can’t wear a mask, then you’ll have to resign.” So, I refused to quit and took the flu shot. The nurse had a handful of injections, maybe 10 or 15. In nursing this is a HUGE NO NO. I let her give me the injection using one of the many drawn up vaccinations.

In two weeks both of my eyes dilated. My primary care physician sent me to an Opthamalogist and I went to my own. Both said, but not my pcp, “you touched a medication without gloves. Your eyes dilated.” That was the stupidest diagnosis I had ever heard in the 22 years of nursing. I had touched multiple pills and never had any reaction for 21 to 22 years. This was bullshit. We wash our hands very quickly. By the way, my pcp knew that was a lame reason labeled to my case.

The days progressed into Christmas, New Years, and on Jan 21, 2019, I resigned. My eyes were still dilated, bilaterally. I couldn’t go outside in the sunlight without sun glasses. I could only work at night. So, I started watching children who were on life support, at night.

On February 8th, that was the last day and evening that I remember. My body had swollen perhaps 15 lbs in less than 24 hours. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t eat. I was sick.

Death; Is It Painful?

How often, I’ve been asked this question or have read it at NDE sites. My answer is truthful and is what I experienced for many hours prior to death. It is unlike many who say that dying was easy. The actual passing over was a breeze, but the dying was not an easygoing event. Nope. Far from it.

Basic anatomy and physiology class begins now as I explain death, as I experienced it.

Being one with chronic asthma and numerous allergies, just never know what’s going to bite you, or poison you. I will take you to my last twenty-four hours, that I can remember.

I worked as a RN one night with a child. The next morning, I left not feeling well. I couldn’t pinpoint what was happening, but I couldn’t breathe and my asthma began to escalate. I drove home with my inhaler in hand.

The Sun was rising and I went to bed. I slept for not to long. My son made a gourmet lunch and it looked wonderful and it tasted well, but I couldn’t eat it. I was nauseated, but couldn’t eat. I was drinking water, lots of it to clear my lungs of mucus that had crept down my esophagus. The water helped.

I went back to sleep and slept until maybe late afternoon and I awakened in the middle of a severe asthma attack. I grabbed my emergency inhalers and used them what seems over and over again. I remember that I had a home nebulizer, so I got up and cleaned it with shaky hands and weakness in my legs. “There, it’s clean. Let me find the packaged medicine.” I found it and cut it open as I am also hooking up the tubing so that I can breathe. I turned it on and started to breathe easier… for a little while.

The time? I don’t know. It was getting later and later.

I got up again to use my machine again. I knew that I had to go to the hospital, but I was tired and getting confused. I suddenly urinated on the floor. “My god! I’ve never done this, ever! What’s happening?!?”

Every breathe that I took was inadequate and the lack of oxygen or deoxygenation or anoxic conditions were getting overbearing. It seemed that the demand for oxygen was intensified by my lungs and the asthmatic medications no longer worked. Every cell in my body was being drained of oxygen. In fact, I probably was beginning to look like a dried prune. The inspirations were draining every cell inside my circulatory system of the oxygen.. it was hungry. It stole mega amounts. I kept peeing on the floor. This is because of the deoxygenated cells. The fluids had to go somewhere, so the fluids (not excess, but my own everyday needed oxygen) were wasted in my urine.

The 10:00 PM news came on and said, “this is the coldest night of the year. There is ice on the roads (in East Texas and that’s scary because we don’t know how to drive on ice) so please stay home.”

Damn it! I picked the worse night of the year to die!

My son walked by my bedroom and I yelled, “call an ambulance, tell them to hurry. I’m dying. I can’t breathe.” I suddenly passed out. It was about 11:30 PM, 2.8.2019.

Oddly, the ER report says, 2.9.2019, 10:32 AM. My son says that what I imagined didn’t happen. He said I spoke to him that morning. Pause and deep recollection by me.

“Nope, I clearly remember the news reporter that evening on 2.8.2019, not 2.9.” I mean, I remember, falling onto my bed and being gone and absent from my body before my head hit the pillow. Gone as in deceased, yet a new day was on the ER report and another story was told to me. Damn, I am either highly confused, or something happened and I was gone a very long time. My journey to the other side was filled with details and it took place over many places and eras of time.

The dying part is horrific, at least in my experience, but the entrance into the other place is phenomenal. It is unlike anything you’ve ever read as it’s impossible to draw an accurate picture as it’s changing all the time. It is also extremely difficult to describe to the exact degree that it was witnessed. There are no dreams, no medications, no afterlife experiences that can accurately describe what is there. It’s impossible, scary, charming, bizarre, and endearing. All in one story,, one experience, in a description that tries its best to tell you whats there. It’s impossible. The English language won’t, and cannot explain the colors nor the liveliness of the entire place that speaks, communicates, laughs and creates together.

Alice In Wonderland is my best explanation of how I felt while visiting. But, to get to that place, once again, takes death. We all we do it. Everyone of us will pass through the entrance alone.

Chapter 1

“Today, my dearest mother, Bonnie Jennings, was taken from and given back to us. What began as severe chest congestion last night ended up in respiratory arrest this morning.

Accordingly, she went without oxygen long enough that her heart stopped beating. Chest compressions and CPR were not restarting her heart. In the ambulance, approximately 15 minutes after her heart had stopped, they were able to defibrillate her and start her pulse again. CPR was given by EMS for over an hour.

She has severe pneumonia and is at UT Health Center in Tyler, TX. She is on enough propofol to keep her unconscious to avoid agitation and prevent her from ripping out her breathing tubes.

Mom, I love you. “ My son addressed FB on my behalf. This was his note. February 9, 2019

Oddly, I only remember the late of the evening, February 8th. My world was fuzzy. The deoxygenated brain cells left me with the condition of anoxia or anoxic brain disorder. However, now, I am doing so well. This is an absolute miracle. Yes. It is.

Now, back to the 8th of February, before my son moved away, one evening, I got up my courage an asked what happened. It was because all I could remember was the 8th, and peeing on the floor. I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. I saw my son walk by and he stays in the other end of the house. I told him to call 911 and that I was dying. Now I remember it was the coldest night of winter 2019 for East Texas. Ice was expected, and I thought, why would my body have to ch oose tonight out of all the nights in the year. We weren’t in town, and Texans don’t know how to drive on ice, so why did I choose tonight. Totally inconvenient.

My son said, we had some of that conversation, but it was in the morning. I don’t remember the morning of February 9th. The hospital records state I was taken to the ER at 10:37 AM. So, where did the night go? I asked myself. Just vagueness is upstairs now.

This whole time and episode has really troubled me because of my memories ended late February 8, 2019. My nursing friends have explained to me what happened to my brain 🧠 with deoxygenated (anoxia) cells, and my memories. And, this is exactly what “the others” told me while I was visiting on the other side.

If you want to know who and what “the others” are, then follow me to Chapter 2 or 3.

Here… I must tell you that in my experience, I didn’t have a tunnel, lights, family there nor friends, and there were no angels with wings.

Chapter 2

I was in ICU, my lungs were intubated, a tube was down my nose in order to be fed, and a urinary bag was in place. I had zero memory of any of the tubes being placed within me and had I have known, I would have said, “no.” I am a RN and have inserted a few. I know the discomfort and of the intubation have. I had oxygen going, and IVs filled with a cardiac drug that I am allergic to, and antibiotics for pneumonia and something for status asthmaticus. The cardiac medication, I saw hanging, I tried to tell them, “I cant take that! I am allergic!” They heard me a few days later after I had swelled hugely. The medication did that to me on a regular dose.

I thought I was talking, but I wasn’t for a day or two. It’s so confusing. I heard my sister say, “It’s not your time. Mother told me. You need to come back.” My mother is deceased, but my sister connects all the time with her, and I believed her. She also said, “You, better come back. There’s no one who will take care of your animals.” I had 6 at the time. Still, I was far away. Her words were very faint. My children said the same to me. “Come home mom, it’s not your time.”

Meanwhile, in my afterlife heaven, I am arguing with someone’s. They were real to me, I knew who they were, but I never saw them until later. I am angry with my death circumstance. I was saying to them, “I am a good person. I deserve having a tunnel, lights, angels and family and friends meet me!”

The “others” didn’t say a word. They allowed me to carry on for quite a while. I heard myself and my arguments. Looking back, I think how. “Really, Bonnie?” Geez, no one deserves anything. I am so sorry for my poor behavior. I also can tell you the number one lesson that I learned is this.

We are only given…This Moment. That’s all we have so becoming happy, or controlling depression, it becomes easier if we only understand, the only time we are promised is right now. That’s it.

Once I understood the above physical law, I was able to proceed with my experience. It was at the next few moments they instructed me on “why you didn’t remember your experience.” They gave me a mathematical equation or algebraic expression that went like this:

Earth’s time + oxygenated atmosphere = memories of life and existence here.

Without oxygen, memories are gone, lost to Earth times, and the people who remain. Anything written, spoken, recorded, photographed, touched are links to The Earth, but not guaranteed for any kind of communications after lives cease. The connections in the future would have to have an oxygen link. As far as mediums, I am only telling you what I learned. I have been a medium for a few in the past; however, I am not sure how the connections were made unless (my reasoning) the objects touched, held or owned had oxygen involved. This idea also blows my mind.

I also, have assumed, that the after life has numerous places, levels (some are still oxygenated because they are close to Earth’s atmosphere), dimensions, houses as Jesus said, mansions as Jesus said, and many parallel or same dimension places as we are in mow.

For instance, a friends father died one night, before I knew he had died, he came in the middle of the night and shook my arm. He told me to get up and follow him. He went into our den. He saID, “I had to come say goodbye. I have a lot of places to go and many to visit, but I wanted to tell you goodbye.”
I said, “well, thank you.” As I said that he floated to the top of the ceiling and disappeared. That’s when I suspected he was gone, deceased. The next day, I was told that he died that night, the night he awakened me.

The point is this, he was still in the atmosphere of the Earth and was able to communicate with a sensitive person. Me. I was thankful for the visit. I know that he was among us still. To bring someone back, one would have to bring a soul back into the atmosphere of oxygenation. Memories that people have and can manifest the soul.

After my vigorous complaining to the ones who listen and don’t respond…
There was no response from them, but there was an instantaneous transformation to my heaven or my afterlife. There was no tunnel, no lights, no angels or loved ones. I was just suddenly standing in a very odd place. I knew that I was deceased.

A black round disk came into view from a distance and moved right in front of my feet. It was solid, black, round and extremely dynamic to me. I didn’t know what it meant accept a fellow NDEer told me that it sounded like a Dharma Wheel. I looked up a Dharma Wheel definition and images. Yep. That’s what I saw. It was my past, present and I would create my future. The future would be dependent on everything that I learned prior to this life and my life just lived.

I looked at the black wheel that had rolled up to me from the distance. It seemed to have come through dry sands at this place. When it came to rest and stopped it was huge, like a monolith structure. It was solid black and it had a sliver cut from it on the lower SE corner. I wondered if this represented my entire life and the sliver was where I was now, or was I at the end… I questioned my life plan. No one answered me, but me. I was alone. I looked at it over and over because I knew the sliver meant that I had not finished my life, or I had a little life left to live.

Suddenly, I was standing before or near a tall lean Asian man who wore a straw hat. I looked at him as he had a long pole in his hands. He was stirring something. In the distance I watched volcanoes erupting and saw the red lava leak down the mountain into the red river of blood and brains that the Asian man was stirring. I gasped.

“Am I in HELL!” Panicking, I asked The man.
He kind of gently chucked bad said, “No, you are at the cleansing pool.” He was not wordy or someone who had to be seen. He was wise and quiet.
“The Cleansing Pool?” Said I.
“Yes. I am stirring brains and blood from those with bad or negative thoughts.” He spoke kindly and directly to me. His eyes were very wise. He could have been my mother.
“Oh,” I responded. “Why are you stirring them?”
“Everyone must be clean before they can ascend. All negative thoughts and emotions must be washed before you can go on any further.” He kept stirring.
I asked if it would hurt.
He said, “Did you feel anything?”
I replied, “no, I felt nothing.”

With that response, I ascended to the next place,

Chapter 4 The Dirt

My Hands held the dirt

The Trip to the dirt was in less than a moment. Suddenly I was there with someone. I never saw their face and I don’t know who they were or their sex. They were teaching me rapidly.

I was barefooted on the dirt of The Earth. Also, I must say that in my death experience I looked like a picture of myself taken about 4 or 5 years ago. I was around 62 then.

Back to my NDE, the someone took a handful of dirt and put it in my hands. For the first time, I saw dirt in a new way. The quantum physics way. As the dirt sifted through my fingers, the mineral properties illuminated. As they fell back into the dirt, the particles began to sparkle their true colors. The golds were intensely golden and the grains, individual, seemed to be magnified as I looked and saw each tiny piece. The silvers were shiny, sparkly, and as they slipped through my fingers with every type of particle on the atomic calendar. The bacteria’s, viruses and the living bits of Earth were ever-present as I watched like never before. Beneath my feet, and our feet, there are other billions of worlds. The quantum universes were there, alive, illuminating their space and I knew the, what I had always wondered, are there layered universes and the answer is/was yes. Beneath us is an unending world such as The Fibonacci Code signifies. The worlds spin smaller and smaller and what is microscopic to you and I, is another world.
I was utterly awed and so thankful to see and learn what I had always wondered. The being showed me without and words and amazing existence.

Chapter 5. Earth’s Relics

When the dirt’s truthful formations completed, instantly I was at the relics of The Earth. I believe we started with Egypt. The Pyramids. I examined the hieroglyphs by running my fingers over the images. I sensed the meaning, that I don’t remember now, unfortunately. I touched the grandness of the large structures as I walked alone with the warm winds blowing ever so hauntingly insightfully. I knew that I had walked among the relics when they were formed. They were familiar like a home.

So was The Sumerian Tablets. I touched and read.

In Peru, I visited the wonderful place and I think I was flying like a bird over looking the Andries Mountains up to Mexico.

The Temple Of Kukulkan or Mayan Temple was our place, I believe though Mexico has 7 known pyramids, we visited one and I believe it was this one. There, once again, I touched, read and knew the feeling of belonging.

We ended in Samaria. There were the tablets. They asked me to read them aloud and I did so.
I was so pleased with the reacquaintance to all the history, structures and tablets. I was satisfied.

Then, they said, “you must move forward . With that, we were off.

Chapter 6. The Hard Chapter To Explain

Every chapter begins with suddenly.
Suddenly I am in a room that I now call an office. It was dark and there was an illuminated long sleek desk. Sitting casually and comfortably behind the desk were 5 (I think that was the number) extraterrestrials.

I was calm and unafraid. They were kind, reserved yet warmly inviting, and patiently pleasant.

I felt that I was being interrogated, but they weren’t mean, hateful, or Lucifarian. I knew they knew me from the past.

I asked the question, “are you our humans DNA?”

And without hesitation, “yes. We are.”

I wasn’t surprised and felt comfortable with the answer. I knew that I wasn’t being given any untruths and the answer sat Inside my being as truth. These were my relatives and I was home.

The personalities of these alien ETs is unlike humanity. We, humans, are mammals, and they are not. The mammals are warm and friendly to their tribe and offspring (usually) and they, ETs, are not. The are not warm and cuddly, nor are they impatient. They will honestly wait “forever,” if its needed. They don’t jump into help us, unless it serves them, nor do they pat someone on the back and say, “well done.” They are not mean, but their lack of help or “non-interferences” are seemingly, unkind when struggling for help. They do appreciate good humor, pleasantries, good manners, kindnesses, and gentlemanly behaviors from humans. I say gentlemanly because they regard us as one, male and females. We are the ones who made the difference and separated the species into good and better. This is also true with our religions. It was our desire to have such kingdoms in place and they let us do our mammal things. Kings, rulers, monarchies, dictators, murderers, rapists, zealots, faithful, righteous, thieves, snakes (that we gave a slanderous hateful assigned character to) and the rich and poor. The character types, humans named and made because we were part mammal and alien. The aliens or ETs don’t have such beliefs, but they didn’t stop us. No, they let us do what we wanted, even if, the acts were cruelties to one another. The ETs would let us fight out our own battles and worlds as we were the new species, and had to learn as we go without their interferences.

My interview was over and theirs with me… for this moment.

The Beings, The Others

We ascended. We were in the galaxy way above Earth. We were in another office, in a ship, way out in space. There, in that room they handed paper to me printed on the numerous pages were binary codes. They told me to read them and I told them the I could not read binary codes. They looked at me and I knew they meant, we can stay here a lifetime or forever. Read the codes. So… I guess that I did or didn’t. After the forever or eternity waiting on my reading, they threw the paper on the floor of the ship to be burned. Okay, I thought.

Here, I must tell you the binary codes are used to time travel. If someone needed examining or help, which they don’t do often, they used binary codes to find the person, the time, the date, the whereabouts or the location coordinates. The binary codes gave all that information in a parallel world or worlds. They were active and on board. The binary codes used dark space and matter to work efficiently.

Next … the star charts. Yep. I read them! I was thrilled! And off we went to Pleiades and then The Orion’s Belt. We visited.

I said, “please, don’t take me any higher, I’m afraid of heights.” And, with that statement… we were off into the outer parameters of the universes.

Chapter 7 The Universes; The Baby Bundle

The meetings with the ETs ended and the back door to the spaceship opened (this was my imagination, I really didn’t see this scene in my NDE, but felt this happened). It was as if I was clear to wander the universes on my own.

Meanwhile, I kept asking where my family were, the deceased ones and my deceased friends. They kept reminded me … “there is no hurry. You have an eternity.” So, I accepted that and went forward. I also asked about my deceased pets. They didn’t show up either, but they (the ETs, I suppose, I didn’t see them say this, but I assumed that it was them) reminded me I had an entire eternity to see and meet all people and pets. “Don’t be in such a hurry. There is plenty of time.”

“Okay, Okay,” said I.

Off I went into the universe. I passed stars, nebulous,’ galaxies, oddities, planetary systems being built and designed, and I saw a great deal of happiness going on about me. The universes were vibrating lovely conversations and songs. It echoes throughout the space. There is a great deal of laughter, and extreme joy.

I got to the edge of the universes (plural) and watched while sitting on the side of a planet like the Moon is to Earth. I saw what I called The Elohim (Hebrew word meaning the plural of god) making a nebulous. To me this was The Grand God or Creator. This entity, alive and full of energy, creativity, light, joy, and constantly making and creating is moving about waving its wands creating creating creating worlds, galaxies, nebulous,’ and so forth. The Elohim does not tear apart, does not condemn, does not rip apart and doesn’t send anyone to Hell.

In fact, I never saw a place named Hell, hades, the under world or any place of punishments. If there is a place, it was not shown to me. If there is a place, it is between oneself and karma. Here, I will say that what I understand is this…there is not devil, satan, demons, or devils. The evils in this world are within each of us. This is why karma (or another appropriate name) is appropriate. Reaping and sewing says we go to god and ask for forgiveness and we are totally forgiven. Karma says, yes you can ask for forgiveness and should, but your punishments are put into place by the individual. The consequences are played back much like a swinging pendulum. You started the action, the action must be paid back. The pendulum swings, then it swings to the other side until the whole of all learning experiences are learned. When all lessons are learned, then we can say, we are like a god. We know and understand all things because we have lived them. We will not remain ignorant. We will be poor, rich; beautiful, ugly; white, black; etc, etc…we will know murder, and the life of a saint. We will be able to answer any question that is asked of god or gods.

Now… my journey, sitting on the side of the planet saw the Fibonacci designs growing, forming and making the babies bundle that holds the universes together. The plants spoke to me and I to them. I felt like Alice in Wonderland. The plants were very busy and told me that had to get back to work. The also showed me a picture, that I drew and it shows the universes in the upper left lung of a form. The inside of the body looked human. I am a RN so I recognized the insides and it looked human. I was told to never leave the upper lobe of the cavity holding the universes. Because if we went outside this area, then we would travel alone and no one ever returns. Hmm 🤔 thought I. Others had been here before?

When I was there, I say this carefully because someone once misunderstood my sayings, up high looking over the entirety of the incredible space, and all the structures of planets, stars, suns, moons, comas, lights etc, there was a male presence with me. It wasn’t the one in the picture that I drew. He was most kind, happy, joyful, friendly, kind, imaginative, delightful, and was there to answer any of my questions. He didn’t interrupt any of my pleasures of watching. He was so happy that I was happy. I felt like this might be Christ… but I am not sure.

I kind of asked about Yeshua and what I asked was who was he, and was he real. The answer came back to yes, he’s real, but misinterpreted. Furthermore, he was/is a man who was filled with love, who came to teach us only about love, and only spoke about love. The Christ sent was dramatically transformed into a human toy that was used to hate, manipulate, to steal and mislead others who are not in a position to defend self against such ploys of the controllers, manipulators and or the corrupt. This was not the intentions of The Christ.

At some point very quickly, I was ushered back to my life on earth. As my teaching about Jesus Christ ended, I heard his last commandment. “Faith, hope and love, and the greatest is love. Never forget this! It is the glue that will hold humanity together! It’s the only thing that last! LOVE! You must spread this above all this. This is the final and last commandment. LOVE!”

Like an echo coming backwards the word LOVE came with me as I traveled faster than the speed of light back into my body. I had a hard time talking, knowing what had happened…

I want to thank my friend who is an Art Therapist for encouraging me to draw what I saw and it took a great deal of therapy to get me to draw. Thank you, Shelley Cannon-Fredrick. If you hadn’t of stayed diligently encouraging me, I never would have drawn the pictures of my journey. So, thank you. All NDEers need an Art Therapist.

Notice the void. It is set off and away from the life source
These are humans connected to the life source and one who is disconnected
This is a cross section of the life source. Two people said it resembles colon. I had to laugh and agree. We are in gods bowels.
The Dharma Wheel
My drawing
The space that ALL the universes are within. The top right lobe.
Me sitting on the side of a moon type structure watching The Elohim mak a nebulous

Our minds, thoughts, words, feelings, emotions, vibrations etc… will produce our world of conscious existence. In essence, we do create or manifest our universe of time and space on planet Earth. But, apart from manifesting to create wealth or health or comforts, let’s for right now stay with the basics of creation. On February 9, 2019, I was in my afterlife existence. Having been gone for 30 plus minutes (and mind you, there is no time in the afterlife) was immediately taken to a wonderful cloud of existence and there I sat watching what I called “The Elohim” (a Hebrew word that is god in the plural form) making a gloriously beautiful nebulous. I learned there on that cloud, that our “god” was plural, was a creator and not a destroyer, and joyfully made all existence, including me. Those harmonious spectrums of lights created even the things and mammals that humans call and label deformed, malfunctioning, not right, gay, black, white, yellows and reds, and made all of it in such utter joy and never looked back and said, “OOPS, I made a mistake.” Nope. That never happened. Our creators are so pleased with all of their creations, that one cannot imagine any conflicts or reorganizations at all. If there are punishments, and that I didn’t see or hear, then they are carried out by other gods. The Elohim only creates and nothing more.
So, how does this relate to our understanding and enlightenments? If we free the mind from all binding doctrines that tell us to do this or that in such away, then, we can know that we are created in love, with a magnificent creator. To add, any legalistic doctrines, merely bind us and entrap our souls. That is not The Elohim. This I can promise you. You are free to love yourself. Love you. When you love you, then you free the pathway to love others. No longer will others be labeled by negative thoughts or terminology. We set them free when we are free. When the conscious is unchained and unleashed, it can and will set others free. Our minds are powerful because the state of our consciousness is free or ~it’s trapped. The trapped state is also powerful, and we see this occurring daily. It is better to free others than to enslave them.

WE CONTROL OUR CONSCIOUS journeys. Or, I should say, we can control if we put our minds to the task.

The Being who was there in the afterlife.
Close up of The Fibonacci plants growing, speaking and having a type “A” personality on the “baby bundle” that holds us (all the universes) inside the right upper lobe of the body.
The Fibonacci Designs growing on the outside surface of the bundle that protects the space for the universes and the rest of the body.
The Transfer or The Death Angel
This image, not my own, seems right. The feeling of peace was there in the universe during my NDE
My blood pressure before my NDE
Me in the hospital post my NDE

These are additional notes as I continue to awaken. I am chatting with another NDEer and we are contemplating our beliefs regarding the Covid Crisis.

“Okay my understanding of Karma and the Akashic records is this.

Number one “karma” the word introduced by The Vedic religious group from the Hindis

It is the word that I use and this is because The Vedics are the most accurate source for understanding life, living, and death.

But the word Karma is not right or correct. I don’t know the right word so I go with Karma.

Getting past that, karma is not a god handing out punishments. It is not any spiritual being charging anyone to a sin or good thing.

It is our internal scoring system that records our lives. The entire period here. For every + another + can occur and for every – then another – of the same strength will occur.

As we get to the end of our lives the pendulum that is moving with our karma and it attached to The Akashic records, goes across the board one time, that represents one life. When it goes back again, another life of some kind.

The Akashic records keeps track of all our lives and the records of the karmic debts and attributes.”

Asked about why death experiences are hard to explain, I began by saying this… “

💭 new thought, another conversation

For me, when I am explaining my experience, it is hard to find or put into any language on earth 🌍 the experience, as the experience is not linear. Their is no time. Everything is now or can be changed and into whatever you imagine. Time is not anything that compares in that other dimension. This is the first reason.

When I wrote my rough draft, I realized when writing it that it wasn’t exactly like what I was writing. That is because my rough draft needed a relevant pattern of events. What happened first, second, third… etc. in my death experience, this can’t be explained like this. This rimes pattern of first, second, third doesn’t exist.

I still don’t know what exactly happened first, second or third so I put my story into a pattern that makes since now in this world.

Secondly, the events of happening are not solids or materials like here. The materials are of other dimensions, maybe 5 or 6. You can hold a mathematical word equation and it’s powerful force, that of an eternal creators, comes alive. Everything is alive, is real, is on another dimension that is not anything like earths. If your not a mathematical genius, then you’re not going to be able to explain the patterns or dimensions. Everything is alive. Everything communicates..

This is the beginning of my explanation”

EMS giving me CPR 2.9.2019, though, I died on 2.8.2019

Hello, during my death experience, I was handed binary codes to read and interpret for the non-human, alien types.

A large book was handed to me and I was given it to read to them and tell them what it says. I don’t know anything about binary codes; however, I must have read them.

But, the most important thing to remember about the encounter was the fact the codes were handed to me in a large book. I placed it on a counter in front of me and opened it looking at 000100111 for thousands of pages. It meant nothing to me so I kept telling them.

Today I knew why the codes were handed to me in a book. First of all, last year it was explained to me there, the codes are used to tell them, where a being is in the universe and the times they are in. For instances, I was born in 1952 @ 0600 AM in New Orleans La, USA CST on a certain day. Well all of that is coded in binary type codes and the codes tell them how and where to get to us, if so needed. This I figured out then, but today, I came to the knowledge that because the codes were on paper and in a book form, it represented universal traveling, and we all know, if we bend the universe, travel times change dramatically. I didn’t pick this up then, but I know now, they were waiting to see if I caught it and if I was fast thinking. I guess not.

So, saying the above, it makes further sense to know that when we bend times whether on Earth of Saturn or anywhere, we must take all existence back to one single spot where it begins, exists and ends. One spot. The quantum experience takes on a little of the universal truths and we have so much more to explore.

I always say, that we are ants 🐜 in the universe shared with other universes and yet part of the big spot of the beginning, the now and the end. Then what…

Quantum times is/are the entire encompassing of the universes (plural) with equations of symbols and numbers that include every moment in the past, it the now and in the future/futures of every material being, human, animal and plants, sands and dirts, waters etc… of all from a stretching field latitudes, longitudes, forward, back, under and above including mid-through of all times ahead and back into one simple moment, the quantum moment.

Hi Axel. My experience was cosmic, but there were no spiritual messages or religious “mysteries” attached to my death experience.

But, parts of your presentation rings true as we do live over and over and we are part of the entire universes (plural).

The higher and higher ascension that you speak of is not entirely correct as we humans have glorified these ideas for other men so they will seek this path. However, we are on this road whether we glorify it spiritually or not. We are on an adventure and we linger here-there and go down-up, sideways and back and forth yet time doesn’t exist as we know it.

We are part of an enigma and part of the energy equations that are available for this universe perhaps not the others.

When the god-like form moves, from which we are apart, what happens to us? It unknown. How about when it dies? Then, I suppose we die too.

My understanding post death experience February 2019.

I have my own theories after experiencing over 30 minutes in the death state.

I drew some pictures of my thoughts to try to explain.

Number one, I learned during my NDE, if there is no oxygen present (around cells) there are no memories. Because

More notes

  1. Earth+O2 =memories (they taught me when I was there)
  2. Once the soul has passed through the pineal gland (in a regular death not in a decapitation, but regular) and has passed through the DMT in the bodies lining, the soul escapes and our memories cease as we know them now while in a body.
  3. There is a place like “the void” that houses our souls. When we awaken (with oxygen) we begin to awaken and think again. We want what we remember as we are attached to the body whose DMT we are connected to because of oxygen.
  4. We have been here having numerous bodies. We are part of the bodies whose DMT remains, otherwise, we would seek housing elsewhere.
  5. The soul wants a home whether human or other. The Petri dish is not as comforting as a warm body.
  6. Each DMT whether animal, produce, human or any other has its own characteristics and our spiritual energies try to find the right fit.
  7. The spirit is part of a large vacuum system that blows out instead of in as it blows up a living force with energies and life.

A message from a year ago.

Caroline Rosie Dent

Well your question is similar to the one that I keep asking and I am given a little information at a time.

So here goes…
there are different levels and types of dying right?
Some deaths are rapid and are perhaps like loosing a head, or heart and is unsurvivable because of the body part separation. This we know is immediate death. This is a level of death non of us have survived. So non of us know.

Then there are traumatic experiences such as moving vehicle accidents, or abrupt experiences where the body and soul are in limbo. The soul and spirit hang around the body after the accident for whatever reason it does. Some of those spirits leave immediately for whatever reasons it decides. These beings that return are actually in limbo between life and death. It is because there is enough bodily fluids (containing oxygen and other electrolytes) that are still active (ions and energies don’t die but await for movements to another dimension or place) around and inside the body that gives a possibility of living or having life once again.

Because the oxygen and electrolytes don’t die but move or find another place or dimension to go into (such as an orb or another home or being to become apart of) there are restless moments (adrenaline flowing rapidly at death) that the human energies must attach or become connected to something else in the earths atmosphere. Remember that electrolytes are not the soul or spirit. They are the energies or electric forces of energies the body contained while on earth.

Within these energies, oxygen is among its properties and is a source for the energies to lay comfortably and positively ignite (wrong word) or become active.

When this energy is around a deceased person (or a body in a higher level of totally decapitated living) there are enough pods of energies containing oxygen that keep the body remembering or experiencing a form of living (called death).

Example of degrees of death… So when I say that I died from asthma, respiratory failure and cardiac arrest, I had no oxygen. Asthma depletes, respiratory arrests further depletes and cardiac arrest further eliminates oxygen in the red blood cells then (for example) my experience would be without oxygen and the energies (the electrolytes) would not be as active causing less earthly memories. My level was extremely close to permanent death. The layers were dissolving and earths elements for living or having life were depleted more and more.

Once a person has lost the elements of energies and of oxygen the person is closer to permanent death. (This opens another mysterious idea or possibilities for the human beings to consider) and saying this means there are different levels or layers of death. We are in a parallel dimension.

Anyway I want to thank you for the question. I had to think about this very intently. I hope that I haven’t confused anyone any further. I am still getting responses about this as well.

Thank you. And to add…

Caroline Rosie Dent
Once the oxygen flowed my NDE memories began. They (whomever they are) turned on my memories. Oxygen flowed from a nasal cannula. Wham! The experience began and I was unable to turn it off for many days. I became tired from the excursions that my mind, thoughts, human experiences were then experiencing. I couldn’t turn it off. This went in for greater than eleven days. I counted eleven but I am unsure due to the anoxia (brain without oxygen) that I was/am still experiencing.

It is oddly peculiar the beings in heaven showed me a record like an old 45 record player disc. It was black and circular. It had a sliver (pie shaped) cut taken out of the end of it. The pie shaped cut was my actual death experience. In that area there were no earthly memories. Nothing that earth recognizes as familiar or understandable. Nothing was read or comprehended or translated to our earthly language. What I experienced was in the dark matter (the unknowns) on earth

I wrote this in 2018, before my death experience and it was a reflection of my spiritual beliefs.

Sunday October 7, 2018

When we die. We are a born

I came to this conclusion today two days before my 66th Birthday. And my conclusions capitalized on no religious beliefs. It is what it is, my own beliefs and you aren’t being forced to believe this nor being brainwashed.
It is the thoughts of death and life, lessons learned and not, envies of the gifted and the inabilities to achieve the fondest wishes and dreams, the birthing in a path of Saturn and mars, and having either Sagittarius or Capricorn on the horizon and so forth of the bending dynamics of the celestial universe and the vibrational platitudes it lends to all living and unliving things. After all, rocks have different reverberations that are recorded in scientific research somewhere.
Death is life is death is life and so forth. It is continuous. The pleasant births or non of new borns, show the rascals have more incredible knowledge than you could have ever taught. No matter the ups or downs, no matter how poor or wealthy, no matter how sane or not, each being comes again and again. Each time becoming the quandaries, the questions, the dislikes, the desires, the hopes or the despairs of the previous experiences. Sometimes the soul becomes a celebrity or wealthy. We will all experience every path there is until living is complete. Those questions that linger from previous existences becomes the new driving manifestation of the new birth and new life.

No one ever said to Yeshua, if it’s appointed to man to die once, how many times must he live?

October 20, 2020. I awkened from sleep and was told to write this. Sorry for the mispelled words as I wrote in the dark and quickley so I wouldnt forget. I will edit soon.

Time does not exist off The Earth as the majority of us understand. Does time truly exist on Earth? The day and night, the seasons and the circadium rhythms gave us something to measure and so we used it and created our standard tenty-four (24) hour day. However, I want to define off Earth time or no time.

What if time could be described as a dot, one dot such as a pencil dot with some large dots and some smaller and the size doesn’t matter. However, within each dot is a lifetime and/or one (1) second of Earth time, but all of it within the dot equals one event, happening, smile, tear, season, centenial or whatever you remember and all is within that moment.

What if I told you the reasons why human (invention of jets) have a comtrail due to our time and our perseptions, perpulsions in velocity; however, the UFO (keeping typing minimal using abreviations UFO it is simply unidentified, but obviously, not of this Earth) has no comtrail and makes no sound. Why does this happen? The reason has to do with time. Their time versus human time. Time changes everything and how we see it.

In the afterlife, there is no time, so what does that mean to music or hearing one sound? Because music and noise is laid out on a timeline and music uses time. It places 4/4 or 2/4 times and many more examples, but its time. It rhythm, beat and its all time and time off Earth, does not exist. So, in the afterlife a timeline of music or anything else doesn’t exist. Then why are people reporting they hear “heavenly music?” Well, number one, it could be our imaginations, or two, it could be that time is pressed into trillions of dots as I was explaining in the first paragraph. All the dots appear as if nothing is going on and time isn’t happening … unless… you move closer into the atmosphere and energies of the dots. Each dot has its own vibrational rhythms, magnetics and movements in gravity.

Time is stored in nbullions and trillions of dots and where you are in the afterlife is where you placed you. Imagination, wishes, and desires come true when connections to the dots of entire lives of times on Earth. Your energies, within you, automatically connect your being using specified vibrations and magnetics to your source of being or enlightenments. You are plugged into your comfort zone. This is another topic, so I will hold back for now.

So, what about other planets? The same theory would hold true there on that surface and atmospheres, as well, except they have their own clock of sun rising and setting, moons arising (setting many times on one planet), seasons (theirs, not measured by Summer, Winter, Fall nor Spring and by circadian rhythms of sleep measurements). On another planet do you sleep 8 hours like on Earth, or there about, or 100 years, as in their day? I don’t know. I guess it would be determined if we are humans, or not, and our requirements regulated by the planets magnetics and vibrations.

Now what about the UFO that left no contrails, nor made any sound, and travelled making 90 degree turns at unimaginable speeds *time, moments perceived by humans, and witnessed or presumed seeing. All of it recorded in Earths time, but in reality, it’s the UFO’s staff beings or aliens, reality and those on it have their own conceptions of time and force, and magnetics. For they are not bound to Earth time as they remain in their own. So, they are overlapping dots, The can control their craft because they remain in their own times and maneuvering and touch our existence quickly. Kind of like time traveling, In and out, very rapidly to not change the history nor their futures. zip in and out using the dots to overlap the universe making distance shorter and time irrelevant.

This is all for now

Hi xxxxx, I might have answered your question before, but here goes my own answer through my own experience.

I am no longer a ” believer” in any traditional faith. I have my own and I don’t proselytize it. It’s only important to me.

Your experience or thoughts about ” heaven” or what I refer to as the afterlife, are not judged by anyone but you. You aren’t going to ” hell” because you don’t believe any dogmas crammed down your throat over the years.

It’s my discovery from having my TDE or temporary death experience of 30+ minutes (with a brain injury now) that we are like little ants 🐜 on a mound and the brightest one sees 2 feet away.

No worries. No judgements allowed, please. You are on your adventure like all the rest of us.

I want to share my opinion, right now, could change, that religions came from the alien sources, so we originally adapted theirs, but humans twisted the dogmas of alien beliefs into their systems.

Religions aren’t bad, nor is believing in something supernaturally powerful and godlike, wrong. Humans need leadership as they asked god for ”a king” and God gave them Saul. So the gods gave us their beginnings as our own and we changed their scriptures to neet the needs of we, who are of mammal DnA 🧬

My thoughts post TDE on

I just wrote this in the middle of the night, this evening.

Time passed Earth

We, NDEers, speak of no time off earth and so what does this mean?

Time is applied to earth’s seasons, and the rising and setting of the sun. The Solstices of summer and winter owning the longest and shortest days of the year. These facts govern time.

However, off Earth, the Sun rises and sets in a much different matter of times. The size of Earth and the distance it is from The Sun makes its own ways possible and conceivable. We understand this as we’ve lived the patterns every day of our lives. However, if we left here, our timelines would vary and change on every comet, planets or stars, moons, nebulous’ in the entire universe. The visual effects would resemble a covering made up of geometrical patterns with physics, astronomy, cosmic energies, geological analysis and patterns and it would continue for ever. Much like our imaginations of the Matrix of existence.

We live on earth with rhythms, beats, time, and musical vibrations of it’s own way and kind. On another planet, music would seem slowed of perhaps faster due to the rising of the sun ☀️ or solstices.

If one is in space without reverberations, time, rhythm and beats would be off from what we know now.

If one had an NDE and has music like here there are two different ideas that come to mind. Number one. They are still connected to Earth time. Meaning their afterlife experience took place within Earth’s times Mf its line of recording.

Or, two, the music was conjured inside a persons psyche. The person carries the melody with them. It’s memory is manifested.

My guess for this phenomenon.

Words such as eternity, forever, etc have no meaning post Earth. So this makes me think that “heaven” is earthbound. I don’t think of this in a bad way, it’s simply the location of it.

But in the afterlife, eternity has no meaning.

After Death Visions

The warmth of the sun hit my face as my eyes closed this autumn (2019). Asking the universe about “god”, I quietly listened and saw.

God/Allah/The Source/The Creator and, so forth, of words too small for description, knew the image before my eyes and mind could not be drawn perfectly, but I had to try. This was the instructions, try. While seeing the image, I sifted through the English language trying to find the correct definitions and found all off to some degree. The Creator is the closest of terms seen and known.

It, The Creator, moves throughout the void and it’s movements are not to be defined as forward, nor backwards. It just moves. It creates all the time. It doesn’t scold, judge, doom, or have any emotions similar to humans or animals. As it moves universes, stars, planets, comets, atmospheres, life, death, reincarnation proceeds in a deliberate pattern set up according to the birth and equation related to the origin of placement of the two entities. On Earth, the inaccurate birth of astrology (now days), found the mathematical equations of the pattern of birth, death, birth, placements are continuous, forever. Other planets, galaxies use similar methods of vibrational magnetics that governs placements and the physics of possibilities. The placements are physics and are not anything else. Within the physics of the equations of life, the measurements are a prediction for certain manifestations or events to occur.

Who set the physics in place? Who set the motion? What is behind The Creator? And are we truly special? These are my questions asked, and these were the answers. There must be one who is with me. Suddenly, I felt such love. I knew that I was loved because of the message that was given so dynamically while alone one warm fall day in 2019.

BoJenn Oct 24, 2019 ©️ all rights reserved. Thank you

Especially Christianity

A photograph I took summer 2019
My backyard clouds

In 1998, after spending 25 years of calling myself a “born again Christian,” (1973) my actual accepting of the term and proudly wearing their banner, decided to move onward to a new belief adventure in 1998.

As a child (before 1973) in 1962 I attended The Episcopalian Church with my mother and father and thank god we never beat people’s spirits down to make or cause them to believe in Christ. We never significantly or proudly boasted, “I led this one to the lord.”

No Episcopalians are cool and unpretentious and I should have remained one as they are less tiring and wearisome on others peacefulness. However, I am far past their teachings now and into my own beliefs and I am content.

But… onward I forged by myself exploring all little crooks and crannies that I was told, “don’t go into that place. Demons are there!” And they (the ones saying this crap) growled worse than any demon could do so. Some of those Christians were and are pretty scary. Yes they are and I was once just like them. I didn’t like me then.

I am glad that Christ is nothing like that. In my recent death experience, the being that might have been him (Christ) was behind me while on my journey through space and the galaxies into the universe and universes. He, if it was him, sat joyfully telling The Elohim how to place the nebulous in the universe. He was like an interior designer of the entire outside space. He was extremely happy and laughed a lot. If this was Christ He didn’t jump out there and say, “praise the lord… you better believe in me or else.”

Nope. The happy fellow was humble, trusting, not pushy, kind, non accusatory and very comforting. He was very much unlike any church other than The Episcopalians. He’s far from their (church goers) appearances or behaviors. I think he’s happy with the Episcopalians though. I think that he is most like them, if he identifies with any church organization.

Now in 1998, I went back to the things that I grew up with and loved.

Number one: astrology. Gods map of vibrational forces throughout the earth compared to the solar system.

FYI about astrology, you realize that once we are off the earth and time stops 24/7 then the heavenly vibrational forces change. Astrology changes and a new unknown measurement begins again.

Now I will take you off my beaten track to a story about aliens. Please stay with me on my journey.

A Christian therapist led me on a regression or a hypnotic therapy session. It was many years ago (late 1950’s) that I was haunted by visions of beings who visited my father (a mechanical engineer who designed missiles, rockets and ammunition) during the Vietnam War. They, the beings seen by me) were not of this earth.

During my regression, I was being taken back to meet them. However when I arrived in this time, back to the 1950’s or 1960’s, they were forceful and told me to leave. I was not invited. They used their arms and hands to tell me to leave, “now.”

So I left quickly. I then met up with Jesus and the two Mary’s. We began walking together on an old rocky road in the warm Sun. Jesus Christ was walking next to me as the two Mary’s walked behind us. They were praying and quiet.

The walking behind by the two women wasn’t because of a superiority that Jesus being a male had. No it was designed this way for the prayers to be completed and effective.

We walked and talked. Jesus had met me outside of the aliens den. He said, “come with me.” So I gathered my thoughts and being and went with him and the two ‘Mary’s.

He said that he understood my thoughts and dilemma and that he was turning me over into the company of some good friends of his, “The Magi.” He said that I would be safe there and that I should trust them and learn everything that I could.

I said, “yes, but they are about astrology and the unseen world and that’s wrong, evil, of the devil, etc.”

He said, “ you will be fine. You will learn under them now. You’ve learned everything that you can from me. Trust me.”

I said, “okay, I will believe you and trust you.” I proceeded in the direction he led me. On stone stairways leading down into the turquoise waters away from The Sun, descending into the beautiful ocean.

He and the two Mary’s left me as I went down into deep waters into the place of Atlantis. I was there looking at the monuments and recognized my heritage, my beginnings. I was home.

He (Jesus) brought me home!

I was freed from the church and all their harshness. Their yelling and cruelty was now behind me. I could now live my life free from condemnation and guilt.

Jesus smiled and said you are apart of them. Go now. The three left me swimming amongst the depths of the ocean 🌊 and within Atlantis.

From this point my real experience began.

Stay tuned.

UFOs 🛸, ETs, Near Death and My Father

Well initially when Ned Matinnia started this line of conversations on the near death experience page, I gave a greeting knowing later that I would add my few cents into the conversation and I would share a little bit about what I know and experienced as a fact. Not a guess but for absolute truth and to pledge allegiance in the Supreme Court that what I write here and now is the truth. Mine.

I was 7ish in 1958-9 and I was the youngest of two older sisters.

My father had been in WWII in the Air Force and served as a Navigator on a bomber.

After the war he graduated from Georgia Tech in mechanical engineering and graduated with honors. He was then employed by the government of The USA to design missiles and rockets for Morton-Thiokol.

He had married my mother and had two other daughters (my sisters) before me and had lived in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, New Orleans (when I was born), San Francisco, Tulsa Ok, Marshall Tx, Longview Tx, Shreveport La, and back to Longview Tx.

Well I was in third grade when daddy started mentioning UFOs to me. For Christmas he bought me a telescope and sine he had been a Navigator, my father knew the stars in the sky.

His father died early and had been a Methodist minister. From him, my father knew scriptures. And also my favorite, astrology. My father was pretty good with understanding astrological angles and houses.

He taught me about the stars often as we stood outside on our street in the country in East Texas nights. There he told to me his top secret stories at MT thinking that I wouldn’t remember, after all, I was a kid. I wouldn’t remember anything. Daddy wasn’t a kid person but he tolerated me. I listened.

Now my father was not an excitable man and he was not a blow hard braggart. No he was the opposite in character.

However, I must add, a good looking woman could move him but, not his employment. That was top secret.

I remember he and I discussing myths, astrology, religion and aliens. Those were my favorite nights that I can remember.

He always said it would be ignorant to state that we were the only beings of humanoid or of similar intelligence. Perhaps more. He was quiet when saying this as he knew this trait could be a problem for mankind in our future.

As time went on, daddy had witnessed lights surrounding him at a launch pad. He had a camera and a male witness. They were both flown to DC for a debriefing.
“Shut up. You didn’t see anything.”
So he talked more to me, the kid who couldn’t remember. I was his safe place. I never spoke as a child. Hell… he wouldn’t let us talk. Perhaps that had something to do with being Top Secret and being told to Shut up. Maybe.

The Project Blue Book people visited our home. He strongly disliked them. Oh daddy murmured cursing words when they came around. Under his breath, of course. He didn’t like them. He told me they lie all the time. They can’t be trusted.

My father had given me a rock or stone with strange properties. It was a stone and sat in my pawn. When manipulated the stone stretched out and became a silver string. If scrunched up again, it would become a stone/rock again. The rock stayed with us for many years. After his death the stone disappeared.

I think mother gave it away. She was angry at him and me. She gave it away.

Now back to me and my father talking about the universe in the road. The nights were cold and we never had any strange lights as he looked for them often.

It was at this time that during the night while I slept alone, I had 3-4 visitors in my bedroom closet. They came only at night.

They were tall, cloaked with hoods, dark materials and I was to afraid to look at them. I looked away. They were not friendly. I was paralyzed. I would pee in my bed. One mean ugly one threatened me. He told me if I yelled or screamed it would be bad for me. I shut up. They came a few times. Not sure more than once, perhaps two or three times in my life.

Later on my daughter explained that when we came to visit and she was little they came to her as well. She said they threatened her brother. He was two and half years younger than she. She was sevenish. The same age a s me.

Much later, he died in 1983 from cancer. He chose never to not to speak to me ever again. He died.

In the later years since 2014, I have captured many UFOs 🛸 on my cell phone. I have photographed UFOs 🛸everyday ( almost).

I did loose an hour in time once while getting ready for work. However, while drinking coffee on the back porch at 0445, my daughter and I watched lights come up over the trees 🌳 towards us. That morning I got a call from my work.
“Bonnie what are you doing? Are you coming to work today?” Supervisor
“Yes,” I said.
“Well what time are you going to be here?” Supervisor
“I don’t know. What time is it now?” I replied.
“It’s 0715.” Supervisor said.
“Omg! I am an hour late!” I was yelling as we awakened early that morning just to sit outside and have coffee.
I had no memories of the missing time. Non.

An hour of time was missing. The year was ~2005. It’s somewhere.

Radio; my death experience. Link included

Welcome! On the bottom of my blog is a link to the radio program.

I want to thank Nori, Aage, and Tom who were the radio panel of hosts. You three were kind, supportive and wonderfully interested.

Thank you!

I noticed, on YouTube, that 179 people have viewed the radio program (that I gave my experience in heaven). And… out of 179 views only 20 have liked it.

I have been told by family that my NDE changed me. I have more confidence now. Others have complimented me and asked me to defend them as an attorney (lol. What a wonderful compliment). I have not watched it as I will pick myself apart and one day, I will.

Well this made me curious and doubtful about myself When I saw the lack of likes. I asked, what is wrong.

Then I remembered that my death experience was not about any religious experience on earth. And because it is not of any beliefs, it leaves one with a walking away, scratching the head. Yep.

This scares people.

For your fears, I am sorry that you have this element of knowledge within (programed) you. I once had that too. I remember.

But know, as I said in the beginning of the radio program… this is… “My experience. It’s mine and not yours”.

So… no fears. Okay?

So here’s the link to the radio program. My date was on May 15, 2019 should this link not take you to my interview.

Thank you for visiting!

Mind Boggling Messages

One of my pictures last week

Now, I am given messages that are to the point and not so much of what anyone (including me) wants to know. Why? Because they are scary messages and unpopular.

My first intense message came while driving this week. I believe it was on Monday May 6, 2019. Though the date is not sure.

The message came into my head. Not audibly heard but was dramatically felt. I spoke it into my cell phone recorder. It was so intense. I recorded it and then had to erase it as it was too strong for me to give.

I knew what I heard was right, but who would want to know this … ? Why do I have the information now? Why? These are a few of the questions I ask.

The message is about human dna and beliefs. It (the messenger) told me that we humans are beings that must have beliefs in something. In anything. We are not programmed nor are puppets or playthings but we have a nature that is unlike aliens and is odd to those in control of our world or universe.

We must believe in a supreme winning power. We must feel as though we are good conquers. We are competitive even in our beliefs. The emotions are more animal than alien.

Aliens are often artificial intelligence or AIs. The AIs have no thoughts about feelings or beliefs.

Humans are strange and odd. Humans care about death and birth and afterlives. Aliens of AI have zero feelings about any of that. Non.

This is one reason that Stephen Hawking said he feared any alien visitations. He thought it best to not invite them for a very good reason… AIs aren’t human.

Since my death I have experienced internal messages. I have always considered myself fairly psychic; however, what I am feeling now is over the top of my experiences and as I said before, I am fairly psychic.

Having my Moon in Cancer is a pretty good indication of intuitive gifts operating within me plus other astrological natal signs as well. But, my death experience truly opened the internal mailbox and information flies by me. I grab what I think is important and have the energies for conquering. And the one I am going to share with you came to plop down in the passenger seat of my car and was loud and fairly clear.

Now onto beliefs.

It doesn’t matter what we believe. However, our destiny (past death), is about fulfilling the innate belief we so gravitate towards. We must believe in something.

So there are numerous systems on earth from Christianity to Judaism, Muslim to Buddha and anything else from Gnosticism to atheism to witchcraft.

Humans must believe in something otherwise we struggle with psychological issues such as depression. We gain a sense of not belonging (to something) if we don’t participate in something.

Political parties are also part of the belief systems. The belonging to an organization gives humans a pat on the back and a sense of pride when attending. Contributing to mankind in whatever platform feels best for each individual is an emotional need for mankind no matter what race, location or whatever or whomever they are. Humans must have a place in life. They must serve and will give to their degree of honor of their kinship or kingship.


Our beliefs do not have anything to do with love. Our beliefs can annihilate others, can save some, and can feed a country. Sometimes we do good things and sometimes bad when using our beliefs. Love is rarely the beneficial movement within the ingredients of beliefs. Power, ego and control are the contributing factors usually.

So why am I being told this stuff? And what am I supposed to do with it? I don’t know. 

I am guessing now.

Perhaps if we knew this about ourselves we could or would stop killing others in the name of our gods. Or would we…

Perhaps we would or could be more tolerant of others. Maybe…

Perhaps the big picture includes all humans.

Not just one …

Why was I told? What am I supposed to do? How can I help? All of this is mind boggling to me.


My Death Experience


So~ When I arrived in heaven or wherever I was, I was just there. No tunnels, no lights, no family or friends and no angels by my side. No music. Nothingness. Darkness and blackness. No sound, no telepathy… absolutely nothing.

I was in dark lights as I wasn’t on earth and I had no idea that I was gone nor missing or anything out of the ordinary death experience.

While dead for 20-30 minutes, I experienced total blackness. It was non-memorable. When I started breathing once again and oxygen was-back in my system, my thoughts returned.

I have come to the conclusion that memories, thoughts, and experiences are created by using oxygen. Earth, oxygen and time are interconnected and oxygen is the main ingredient for the creation of memories and dreams, out of body rememberances and anything that we can fathom and remember on earth.

Otherwise, without oxygen there are no memories. And I must say that I was given this piece of knowledge after my death experience.

Now bear in mind that I am deaf and I asked them (whom, I never saw) if I needed to hear and it said, “I don’t think so. You’ll be fine. You’ll see.” And I was fine without hearing and this too was shown to me.

So off we ventured first to witness the physical properties of the earths dirt. The elements, the bacteria, the microscopic quantum universes below us and the intricate makeup of the physics held within the pebbles of sands, soils, gems, silvers and golds beneath our feet 🦶.

I was then taken to the earths relics and there I read hieroglyphics and inspected each object. From Peru to Mexico to Egypt To Sumerian culture, I was shown our human experience and our beginnings.

From there I returned to the Cleansing Pool to be cleansed again for ascension.

(My Cleansing Pool where in my heaven I went before ascension could take place. The talk Asian man was very kind, soft spoken (though our thoughts were telepathic) and assured me that I was not in hell. I think that he was familiar to me.)

At some point in their time, I was introduced to our alien forefathers. Alien DNA. I don’t know if all humans come from the same alien species. However, I doubt it. There was a room of (I think) five (5). They said “hello” and I was satisfied and asked no more questions. Ugh 😑with my lack of questions.

After the meeting, I was off with a being that was unseen. We traveled through out the universes. To The Pleiades, to Orion’s Belt and onwards to the outer of the universes.

I was shown binary codes that I couldn’t read yet they said that I could. They showed me star charts and I was amazed.

Also the outer of the universes was in front of me. The Elohim was creating a nebulous or something. The perimeter of the universes was made of Fibonacci designs. The designs were intricate and spoke to me telepathically. They were busy.

I sat on the side of something as far away as the moon 🌚 is to the earth 🌎 and watched the Elohim making this enormous masterpiece in space. Magnificent work and experience.

I asked about what was outside the universes. I was told that its dangerous for humans and that we wouldn’t return if we left.

The word phagocytes (white blood cells devour unwanted bacteria in the human body) came to me. I knew that I must not venture there.

During the entire time I spent in heaven , I heard the voices of my children in their upper thirties and my sister calling me home. They said , “come home, its not your time.” So I chose to return.

“The death angel “ lingered for eleven days.

And this is the basis of my experience. I know that I got way ofd topic. My apologies .

My brain is still in recovery from lack of oxygen. Anoxia. I am progressing to completeness and am lacking in recalling words, but have increased positive traits such as mathematics since my death experience.

Thank you for reading


My after life perception

My drawing of my death experience on the edge of the universes. At the top I labeled “phagocytosis” as for humans to leave our universes came a warning ⚠️

The Fibonacci grew all over the edges and it created electromagnetic energies that communicates with the entire universes and supplies energies needed.

It seems to me that our universes make up the upper lobe of a lung or perhaps I misinterpreted the idea. It seems right.

After Death; When Lives Change

Please understand that poetry writing is difficult for me since my incident last month. Anoxia has robbed my memory though every day I am getting better. Writing poetry makes me think. I don’t want to write any, but it’s a great exercise for my memory.




When Lives Change



Scrambling five mornings a week

For toasts, showers, clothing, lipstick, and my purse

Starting a car without the keys

Where did I put them, dear god, help! Please

Evening arrives on time, each eve

Cooking, forget cleaning, I’m up to my knees

Can’t someone assist, can’t they see me, geez!

Lord I need help with living, dear god, please

Years pass, and I’ve held things in disarray, it seems

Time has flown by and there’s nothing I have achieved, for me.

Compliments come in for my nothings, I’ve truly deemed.

Rolling my eyes about living and it’s all a confusing dream.

So February comes and it’s cold outside.

Loosing breath one night fighting hands that slide.

As if someone is choking me, slipping out of this place

Somewhere else I awakened with no time, like a space

No memory of children, pets or my homely mess.

In a place of intriguing beauty and experience.

At Pleiades, then Orion’s Belt, up and away from there.

Suddenly ~ while transporting~ I almost convulsed

The magnificence is overwhelming, as his smiling joy, couldn’t wait To show me the revelations of heaven

The gifts made just for me

And I thank him for all that he is blessing me.

With my questions answered about the universes and living after death

And in reverence I thank him for all glorious things, I have seen

I waved back and off I went

To the voices calling me home that afternoon.

I knew we’d meet again one time in my future

But now I know that my earthly frustrations are part of my heaven

And arriving home I smiled at my homely disappointments

My sadness now joy

Looking at the mess

Breathing in and out without being strangled

And yes, I am forever grateful to Him who smiles

And gave me my life with new and brighter eyes


March 10 @2019


Someone sent a message to me asking a question. My response is this;


Dear ______,


Death is individual created for all of us as heaven is, as well.


It is my opinion and not based on fact, the harder the death, the more someone loved their life and didn’t want to leave Earth.

So, this is why I say, death is created for each individual to have them leave their bodies.


In my case, death was hard. It was though, I was being strangled and death was frightening until I collapsed into nothing. There were no memories of that time. Maybe 20-30 minutes.

When I awakened 2 days later in icu, I was in and out of a coma. It was when the oxygen and time returned that I began to remember or see heaven then.


Heaven is created for each individual as I said. That’s why some people have deeply religious experiences and others have their hearts or beliefs experiences.


My love in life has been creation of The Earth, the galaxies, aliens and supernatural beings, relics, ancient cultures, mankind’s origins and mathematical physics, patterns and anything oddly different and interesting.


In the past (late 1990’s) I had been a “born again Christian” and got rid of all the things that I loved, mentioned above. After the late 90’s after leaving the church, I found and followed fearfully my own beliefs.


I found out during my recent death experience that God (small word for the creator) loved me just as I am.


In heaven he/she showed me everything that I love. I found out that I am okay where I am at with the creator.


So I hope that I answered your questions.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I so much appreciated reading 📖 the words written.


Thank you, I hope that I have helped.