My Rough Draft For Rey Hernandez

Bonnie Gay Jennings

DOB 10.09.1952 New Orleans, La, USA

Death Tyler, Tx February 8, 2019 and rebirth February 9, 2019.

I use this picture of me because this is who and what I looked like while in my afterlife experience.
Me at age 60.

My account of the supernatural experiences that I’ve had throughout my life. These are the highlights that I remember best. Also, please keep in mind that when I agreed to put this paper together, I knew that I had gone without oxygen during my death experience. So, I’ve done the best that I can do and recall. I think that I did well in remembering.

This is an account of some of my unconscious and possibly lucid wakeful journeys that I have adventured in my 67 years of living. And to add, one was my greatest exploration. That was actually dying from an asthma attack brought on by the flu vaccine in the year 2019.

However for now, I will begin with birth. October 9, 1952, New Orleans, La, USA. Oocephalus was in the Eastern sky that October and it led me to the now of my life.

I was the child of a mechanical engineer, who had been in The Air Force during WWII and employed later by Morton-Thiokol making missiles, rockets and ammunition. My mother was a bookkeeper-accountant. The family was rigidly run, and festively lived. From 0 to 5 years of age we moved 4 to 5 times. By 6 years of age we settled into a town in East Texas and lived in the home my father built. This is when I remembered things. Odd experiences. And, honestly, I grew up believing that all people had similar oddities. I was naive.

This is a blog about my father and his Project Blue Book acquaintances in the early 1960’s, I believe as I was 6 or 7ish and that was 60 years ago.

I won’t go into the long version, but will touch on his sightings and my experiences that we had then.

UFO and ET experiences: 1959- 2020

Father x 2 encounters, a trip to Washington DC to be debriefed, and a visit to our home in East Texas by The Project Blue Book Debunkers x 2. Early 1960’s and mid 1970’s. His encounter was they circled him in brightly colored ships at a launch sight where they were testing missiles in Karnak, TX. He took pictures of the lights as they surrounded him. The pictures were confiscated by Washington; however, he gave me a rock that had special qualities. The rock is now missing. My father died in 1983 and was a Senior engineer at Morton-Thiokol at the time of his death.

This is a blog about my father and his Project Blue Book acquaintances in the early 1960’s, I believe as I was 6 or 7ish and that was 60 years ago.

Me: My ET or alien encounters began. I was 6 to 7 years of age, and was in my bedroom alone during the middle of the night. They were tall (to a child looked like giants) but were probably 6-7 ft tall, cloaked in dark cloaks of a fabric that was not recognized. Heavy material, dark if not black. Faces were not seen by me as I was petrified. They told me to shut up. Be quiet. Don’t move and stay out of their way. They left my room and seemed to walk down the hall towards the back of the house where my father was. I am assuming and don’t know that for certain. In later years, I assumed they were visiting him because he engineered ammunition. They were not loving nor friendly creatures.

Daughter: 2011, My daughter shared her childhood experiences staying in my bedroom when we came from South Florida to Texas for visits. She sees the same entities in my bedroom when she is the same age as I was when I had my first encounters. She’s 6 or 7 and had never told me about meeting them. We compared notes and drawings of them. She was braver than I and looked at their eyes. She said they were threatening and mean. Their eyes were red. They told her they were going to bury her little brother, my youngest child.

Moving forward on my timeline to the release of the movie, The Exorcist. I was then a young twenties woman. I was never raised in a church though I was christened an Episcopalian so this movie was interesting. It opened my doors of freedom to speak of some feelings and understandings that I simply knew. Such as spiritual beings and experiences I’d had known. Mostly dark souls or beings latched on to me. I became a Christian and learned necessary warfare. I partook in exorcisms, one with a Catholic priest and several with charismatic Christians. Since then, I left behind that particular faith system, but some of my most extinguished soulful guests came through then. One in particular happenstance was a Jewish friend. She and I went to see The Exorcist and after this event went to our knees and accepted Jesus Christ. It was a few years later that she would go through severe “mental illness” and it was as if her head turned around while on her shoulders as she screamed at me while kicking my pregnant body in the womb. The year was 1983 and at a later time, she stole my car and undressed herself at a restaurant. The police grabbed her and admitted her into a psychiatric hospital. She admitted there using my name. What a mess it was to straighten out.

My years as a “Christian” I pretty much burned everything that I had that identified me to the occult. Many years passed by (30) and I was lost for the real me. In 1998, I gave up my title of being a “Christian.”

Ka-boom! The other side broke out and I had a better idea of how to handle them and was no longer intimidated but curious. After all, the religious world takes away from experiencing the energies that desperately need to scream or whisper their stories.


Hello! And here they came.

Ghost one:

My father. 1983. I will not go into this event, but he came one morning to let me know that he was sorry. He asked for forgiveness. Recently I went to his grave and asked him if he was happy and okay. He immediately showed me the graves of two army soldiers. One had just died and must have been in Afghanistan, yet my father pointed out his grave.

Ghost two

My first male memorable entity was in 2001. He appeared and the. Left in 2004 when we moved. He was an angry guy and a previous owner per the local Baptist minister. It all began with the man looking at me through my mirror and I mistook him for my neighbor. I ran outside to meet the new neighbor when I noticed that he pulled into his driveway. He wore a red ball cap just like the dude in my mirror and I introduced myself and tried to explain to no avail. This entity became more aggressive as time passed and when my ex husband got the transfer to move to Texas this man ghost attacked me one day when I was lying on my floor after yoga exercise. He used some kind of a force and pushed my glass coffee table on top of me. He threw a cross hanging on the wall across the room several times. He was mad. There’s more to this story, but it’s not anything that needs talking about.

Ghost three

I was in Louisiana at a friends house. She went out and I vacuumed her floor. While I was working, I had a strong urge to write a letter to my friend from her deceased mother whose picture was on the wall seemingly beckoning me to deliver a message. So I did. I don’t know if my friend believed my abilities to stand in as a medium but I knew that this was real. I felt the love from someone else and I had the goosebumps.

Ghost four

In Texas a year later, I was with my friend whom is now deceased and we were driving in my car. There was a horrific car accident in front of us. We had to stop. A young woman’s life was lost at the scene and she came to stay with me for awhile. In fact, we resembled each other. She was obese and I wasn’t; however, when I saw her face, I saw myself as a young woman. Oddly, my son was visiting the next Christmas and he saw me in the living area decorating the tree even though, I was at work. He has the gift too. I finally had to ask her to leave. She did.

Ghost five

My best friend died in 2009. Now her visit to me was extraordinary. She didn’t loose her sense of humor nor playing jokes on people. She played many on me including stealing my hearing aides. Yes, I left them on the kitchen counter one night before going to bed. I live alone. When I awakened the next morning, they were gone. She hid them from me for three months. They returned after I told her it was time to go. And there they were on the kitchen counter just where I left them, three months earlier. This story is in depth and very dramatic. Before I go into depths with it, I want to make sure that I have the room within my assignment. I will come back later to chat about her extended stay.

Ghost six

My mother passed in May 2011. He visit was also extensive and trying at times. It seems she carried with her some frustrations and angers associated to me. I also have my own that we’ve wrestled with from over there and here. This story is also one with layers and depth. I will not go into it anymore.

*** please understand that talking about them awakens part of them and any unfinished business is often rehashed and they no longer reason like a human being. Some of their hostilities can grow if there were any outstanding arguments left bare and unforgiven. ****

Ghost seven

My friend’s father passed one summer. The night he went forward, he came to visit me in Texas. In the middle of the night he awakened me by shaking my arm. “Get up! I have to tell you something!” So, I got up and followed him into the den. He floated to the ceiling and corner and said, “I’ve gone, but I wanted to stop by to say good-bye. I have many people to visit. I’ll see you later.” He had a huge smile covering his face. He was delightful and happier than I’d ever seen him. Puff…gone.

Ghosts eight and so forth…


There are other littler recollections; however, ghosts can be pushy. They don’t recognize your needs to sleep nor your need for rest because you must work the next day. Nope. I have since said, “no, I don’t want to. Thank you.” It get wearisome and tiring when entertaining them

I wrote a novel from 2009 through 2015. During the writing, all the characters came to me and became extremely friendly. There were times that I was wearing their personalities and their emotions. I was unable to decipher theirs and mine. So, I enjoy writing, but I no longer want to entertain all the characters in a book.

Yes, I can channel, but for the same reasons why I don’t want to be a medium, the same holds true for channeling characters.

On the topic of ghosts, I no longer am interested in being entertained by ghosts and that is because they are all consuming and life takes on their characters or I should say, they overtake life and are impolite regarding courtesy and consideration for the person they visit or medium. When writing a novel, the soul becomes bigger than remembered and determining what’s real or what emotions are the mediums and what are the ghosts must be clarified often. So, because it takes a great deal of emotional energies, I choose to stay away if I can these days.

Photographing UFO 🛸

Since childhood I’ve had a fascination with our skies

In 2014 my sky and camera became ultra connected. I find photographing UFO’s easy. I will include some at the end of my report.

My south side of my home. This is super blown up and was moving slowly mid afternoon on July 3 or 4th East Tx, USA 🇺🇸

I have more and these are a few of my cellphone captures

Photographing phenomena

I will post my pictures of a dragon coming from my bonfire in my backyard 2012, springtime.

My dragon

Chemtrails over my backyard Tyler, Texas

These are chemtrails over my backyard.

Fairly recent

Astral Projections

We’ve, my entire family, has projected ourselves all over the place. The one I remember most was flying my I’ll mother and her friend who had cancer on my spaceship to be healed on another planet. Very vivid experience. And, I found there on the other planet systems that she was to far gone. The cancer was progressing rapidly. She died a short time later. My mother died about 5 years later in 2011..

NDE or Death Experiences

And now, I will present to you my NDE or Death Experience.

February 8, 2019 2230-1200 midnight

I Died

My blog about my death experience. Please note that my blog about my NDE would not copy and paste. This is THE MOST IMPORTANT part of my story.

Please let me know if I need to upload it section by section. Thank you, as I can do this if needed.

Everything that I have written or am telling you is or are my absolute truths. I will take a polygraph if need be. Thank you for reading, and pondering. I am open for questions.

My email that is best to reach me is:

My after death experience was illuminating to say it mildly and I am not sure why I was shown so much. I sometimes wonder if I showed up unexpectedly, or was I on a job interview for the space department of other dimensions of beings. ETs.

Once again, my death experience is the most important part of my experience. I met ETs while there.

The Transporter or commonly known as
The Death Angel
The Cleansing Pool
My Guide
The Life Source. It looks like a plump, large vacuum hose.
Notice the being who is now in “the void.” That being is cut off from the life source and it has entered another dimension. That dimension starts with nothingness and will grow into their or your beliefs and teachings
This is a brighter version of the life source. The life source is everything that pertains to times (plural) and life anywhere. All living, carbons, atoms, and molecular structures are within the source. The disconnected are no longer attached.
This is a cross section of the l8fe source. Everything alive is within this vacuum of lights, energies, imaginations, creations, stories, plants, animals, water, fluids, foods, atmospheres, clocks, religions, beliefs, mythologies, equations, quantum’s, etc etc etc… All movements, all energies, all materials: earths, winds, fires, fluids

My Comments to a question:

What you must understand is that in an actual death experience, the “spirit” or life sustainer unlocks from the body thus separating it from the Earth atmosphere and time. The “spirit” as I saw it from the outside is a vacuum tube. It’s that color from the outside. Life is then ended. Separated and not bound by time, thoughts, memories and has quickly fading very distant memories of this place.

So what I am saying is this, they can’t be compared due to the vacuum of life connection. OBEs are still attached to the “spirit” or vacuum.

I also

Have OBEs almost nightly, and they are fabulous experiences; however, they are connected to the mind that it attached via the vacuum of life, “the spirit,” so there’s a difference.

Also I want to say, when people talk about seeing lights and the tunnels etc… they are still inside the vacuum. Once outside of it’s plugged in state, it is independent of the living state of mind. After the tunnel and lights, comes perhaps the void and then the other side. I was on that side.

Okay.. thank you. I have been contemplating this idea and thoughts and yesterday I was given the pictures of what takes place..

Anyway thank you for your questions and ideas.

Honestly, it’s (information) pouring on me right now. The images of a “Disney” resort or -ark comes to my mind and this resembles living, life, actions, movements, fears, joys, rests, exhilarations, people, friendships, acquaintances, moments of loneliness, etc .. food, drinks, bathrooms, sleeping somewhere… etc, etc, etc…

The actual death experience is seeing this taking place. It is also the knowledge of the behind the scenes shadows, and working areas. It is a knowledge of what is going on behind the scenes that all humans and life is apart of. And graciously, quietly, peacefully one salutes the emotional gift of life and says thank you for the opportunity, but now… it’s something else. And off you go… into your imaginative story.

My summary of my life events are absolutely curious for me. I don’t know why I was included in their (ETs) earthly works or plans, but I was and still am. Daily, since my death experience, I receive new messages. Some are more relevant to to mankind and some are for personal reasons. It seems that when I am focused on my NDE or Death Experience, the revelations unfold rapidly. They (the ETs) seem to give it to me in doses that I can handle and often I have to walk away from all of it, but the curiosity, brings me back.

We humans are involved in their projects and I am uncertain about what the projects are.

My question is this… are we as glorified as we believe or are we simply part of their game? I don’t know. All I know is that I am one of their pawns, so to speak. I think that I’m good, but in the end, will they judge me worthy? I don’t know.

I suppose that I sound negative to some, but I must say that we need to keep our wits about our future, our states of beings, and learn and do their missions for us. We are truly beyond our wildest imaginations and are pieces of a gigantic puzzle. Our goal is/are to keep moving and going in a way that seems positive for ourselves.

The last thing they (the ETs) told me when I returned to my life on Earth was to love. Love unconditionally. Because love is the only “glue” that holds things together on Earth.

I just wrote this in the middle of the night, this evening.

Time passed Earth

We, NDEers, speak of no time off earth and so what does this mean?

Time is applied to earth’s seasons, and the rising and setting of the sun. The Solstices of summer and winter owning the longest and shortest days of the year. These facts govern time.

However, off Earth, the Sun rises and sets in a much different matter of times. The size of Earth and the distance it is from The Sun makes its own ways possible and conceivable. We understand this as we’ve lived the patterns every day of our lives. However, if we left here, our timelines would vary and change on every comet, planets or stars, moons, nebulous’ in the entire universe. The visual effects would resemble a covering made up of geometrical patterns with physics, astronomy, cosmic energies, geological analysis and patterns and it would continue for ever. Much like our imaginations of the Matrix of existence.

We live on earth with rhythms, beats, time, and musical vibrations of it’s own way and kind. On another planet, music would seem slowed of perhaps faster due to the rising of the sun ☀️ or solstices.

If one is in space without reverberations, time, rhythm and beats would be off from what we know now.

If one had an NDE and has music like here there are two different ideas that come to mind. Number one. They are still connected to Earth time. Meaning their afterlife experience took place within Earth’s times Mf its line of recording.

Or, two, the music was conjured inside a persons psyche. The person carries the melody with them. It’s memory is manifested.

My guess for this phenomenon.

Words such as eternity, forever, etc have no meaning post Earth. So this makes me think that “heaven” is earthbound. I don’t think of this in a bad way, it’s simply the location of it.

But in the afterlife, eternity has no meaning.

This is it. To the best of my abilities, I have given my stories in truth.

Bonnie Gay Jennings or my literary author name BoJenn

Recent 2020

The Dragon in The Tree

There is a dragon in my tree

I found it just today

It’s been lingering there for generations

Subliminally, controlling my life, I’d say. 



It danced within my dreams

And haunted my ancestors of old

It created some battlefields

Thriving when we were brazenly bold


It dined on our fruits of discord

It devoured the meat off the bone

It smoked an elegant cigarette

 While sitting on my father’s thrown


The dragon stole our family love

It burned away bonding ties

Gulping down any charity

Our humanity left in lies




The dragon wears a mask

Pretending to be a friend

Dressed in a cloak of disguise

Smirking behind all chagrin


The day you discover the dragon

because it’s already found you

A sword you will need to don

All fondness dies when it’s slew




There’s a dragon over your bed

It came while innocent slept

It played in your fairy tales

It departs when you’ve finally met


Bravely casting the beast down

Tis’ the hardest task to do

But, playing with wild demon dragons

Costs, perhaps, the bonnie, likes of you